Crimson-scarred Mulat Lun Character in Traizar | World Anvil
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Crimson-scarred Mulat Lun


Mulat Lun is a female vi of about 5'10" with dark blue eyes. Her body is a deep, rusty red with darker points on her ears, spikes, and limbs. She has multiple scars that criss-cross her body, some formed by shrapnel, others by blades, and also has both of her shoulder spikes and one of her elbow spikes cut off. Two of the scars that cross over her face go over her right eye, which is missing and is covered by an eye-patch. She dresses in dark colors and carries two rapiers at her side.



Mulat was born in the rural countryside of Xhuroufa. In pursuit of ever more land, corporations used legal loopholes to force her family off of their land. They struggled to find a new way of life for themselves and ended up falling in with some more criminal elements. Mulat lived the life of a pirate in the central islands for most of her life, arrested and released or sometimes busted from jail multiple times, until she mutinied and took her crew with her to the east to escape from the chaos.  


Though Mulat is motivated by pursuit of a peaceful existence free from exploitative interests, she easily falls into her old ways of thinking and making decisions. */

Current Life

She is the captain of the Weeping Sovereign. Most of her crew is comprised of either those who went with her in the mutiny or others from central Inefou who sought an escape from poverty and exploitation.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Aligned Organization

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