Stubborn River Geographic Location in Tqqrenvlon | World Anvil
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Stubborn River

Many conflicting legends have been brewed up by the excitable minds of local storytellers, but one element remains consistent - like all other rivers, water once flowed through it, morning dew condensing upon the vertiginous cycads of Tar Cough, and a kingdom of merpeople tied together the tribes of the tributaries. Then time passed, or something nasty happened depending on the story, and the river soon dried up. However its spirit, an undulating river dragon, refused to believe that it was time to become one with the ocean. Instead he adamantly believed the vapours of the morning still condensed upon waxy leaves, then soaking through soil and dripping into a hundred little springs coalescing into one audacious river. So powerful was his delusion that the waves still rippled over its dry bank, and since the deities of Verdillion, whose royal bloodline still ruled over Khoranc, had better things to do, that the river simply kept flowing with something else entirely - balmy, thick air that deluded itself into believing it was water.


There's the Stubborn River in Khoranc that bisects the Plasham Desert from Tar Cough Hill, directly into to the Bralenc Strait. It is what appears to be a winding gully surrounded by nothing but dry sand, from hill to coast. Every last one of its tributaries have dried up long ago. Yet something still flows in it, and it's not quite water.

Fauna & Flora

The Stubborn River is not without life. Feathered fish hover along the pebbly riverbank, digging for worms and isopods. Massive caches of eggs are hidden in here by the formerly-amphibious glep, and the heirs of the Chrysoberyl Dynasty practice rites on its aits at night when the stars are right.

Natural Resources

Nothing flows through the river, save for hot air. Or is it? Anyone who glances as it will assume that it is nothing more than an oversized gully that runs through the lowlands - however, should said skeptic set foot in the river, he shall find himself quite literally blown away in the unseen river, flailing and splashing in midair. Whatever the invisible substance that gushes through here is, it certainly behaves like water. It can even be contained within a pot or a bucket, and used to make soup or tea or do anything you can do with regular water. The local people use the invisible water to mark political borders, and even use it to send grain and salt to the fishing village upon the delta in woven barges.

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