Mûnsomuylen Geographic Location in Tqqrenvlon | World Anvil
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In Iorhassan most people's idea of a holiday is a train ride several villages down to meet their extended families, and very few of them have gone overseas, seeing as how industrial transport is in its early stages. Long-distance travel is mostly used by immigrants or pilgrims. Aeronautics exist, but there are very few commercial airliners. Tourism is reserved for wealthy travellers who can afford their own private transport, but the more adventurous types would find work on a cargo ship promising a generously long shore leave.   And then there are the ludicrously wealthy, like the scions of ancient dynasties, the princes of Dizhiq, Sideb or Omur who possess collossal sailed vimanas which drift over vassal territories, so they don't even have to muster the effort to depart their own bedrooms to visit a distant land. The entrepreneurs of Osphoro or Athylgon in their puttering open-decked airships, who recline on golden howdahs stacked with silken cushions upon the broad backs of enormous cloudjellies. Mounted atop elegant green-furred Brilmisques, membraneous crests rippling gently in the wind, the monocle-wearing, gold-buttoned aristocrats of Zalmais and Numaire brandish their quiescent pneumatic rifles as they slink about the southern jungles of Nurlinga, directed by native guides who tentatively turn over every leaf that they pass.   Favoured by them is beautiful Mûnsomuylen, which tore itself from the earth before the ancestors of man achieved enlightenment, or the Viridians, vegetal and static, burst from ignorance into a sudden lurid and staggering consciousness.


O Mûnsomuylen, ye relic of an age undreamed of, garden of a venerable being who lived before the concrete codification of natural laws and forms, and slumbers deep within its core, somnabulent. Spawn of elder Mun, progenitor of the Munluyts, who fled when his sibling was hacked and chopped and torn asunder by the Other Gods, into the million souls who are the Munluyt race. He sought refuge beneath Mount Muylen, where he became kin with those who dwelt in its caves.   Here he died, and his soul sought a new body, for the Other Gods had agreed to bar all the spawn of Mun from the myriad afterlives, and this mortal vessel was the upper slopes of Mount Muylen, which bears even today a rather distinctive flat-topped shape because of this very event. Mûnsomuylen drifted to the land of Kamajubra, where the trees bore feathers and fed on the air, and sweated 'honey' so that the beasts of the land would come forth onto the barren island, and the birds which came here carried all manner of seeds in their bellies which would later grow into the first copses of the zoophytic forest which was to cover Mûnsomuylen in the following centuries.   Today the island flies in a manner from which the mark of Mûnsomuylen (the child of Mun which is now a flat-topped mountain) was derived, exactly 656 meters above the ground, and its altitude has not shifted a millimeter from when it ceased to ascend from when it had left the land of Kamajubra in its long and undulating shadow. There are four towers at various points on the land which grant access to the island at different periods of time in the month, when the Munluyt ascend these towers blindfolded, feeling the engraved slate steps with their bare feet, and from these etchings they recite orotund mantras. Led by their priests, who rub luminescent powder deep into their eyes, they embark upon pilgrimages to the island's shrines where they burn incense and harmonize with their god.   The Munluyts, threatened by the Dizhiqan and whatnot, have acknowledged that Mun demands them to update their arsenals to defend against the enroachments of the Other Gods, and since they do not use currency they have instead grudgingly cordoned off a section of Mûnsomuylen for wealthy foreigners to visit, filling their coffers with the coin of their lands - but the vast majority of the island is off limits, only hinted at by the murmurs and smell of incense. The tourists take walks and glassplate heliotypes. The history here is also rather interesting, too.
Island, Floating

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