Aromara City Settlement in Torr | World Anvil
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Aromara City

Aromara City is a settlement built into the trees of the nearby forest, mixed in with surprisingly modern buildings.

Points of interest

Thysania runs a sort of insect fight club so Pokémon and trainers can get excess energy out of their systems. The club takes the form of a series of craters, with wire fences around the tops. To enter, you need a stage name, and sometimes groups enter under one name,   The Gym is also impressive. Thysania takes on trainers in what appears to be a giant wooden cocoon suspended between two sturdy trees. The inside is a three dimensional maze of tangled branches, forming corridors while still allowing those inside to see almost all of the way through. There is a beehive-like structure in the center of the cocoon, suspended over one of several holes in the floor.
Characters in Location
The Gym Badge given by the leader here is the Elytra Badge. It appears to be modeled on the abdomen of a beetle, with wings extended. The Elytra Badge allows those who hold it to move more nimbly, granting +4 to Acrobatics dice rolls and +5 to Speed.

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