Abandoned Mansion Building / Landmark in Torr | World Anvil
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Abandoned Mansion

Kalfkeen City used to be much larger, but the encroachment of the forest put a stop to that. The only building that remains of the city's former domain is a mansion now located in the depths of the forest. Multiple expeditions have tried to reclaim the land or scavenge abandoned valuables from within, but nobody ever gets close.


The inhabitants of the mansion reside mostly in Anderson's Dreamscape, resembling a fae court. Things that cannot be correctly described as Pokémon party here for eternity, and the king of the party can be found resting on his throne in the same spot as the coffin in reality.   King Oberon loves nothing more than to mock and prank visitors, before dumping them out somewhere in the forest. However, Anderson's descendants or those who have earned his respect are brought straight to his throne room (he might still prank you).


The walls of the mansion grounds have been torn down by wild plant growth, while moss and vines coat the walls that remain. The windows are boarded up. A great coffin has been placed in the center of the ballroom, seemingly after the mansion was abandoned.


The abandoned mansion is constructed for royalty. With high-steepled arches and swinging chandeliers, the affluence of the owner is on full display.


The only defense the mansion really needs is its sole inhabitant: the deceased former Gym Leader Hans Anderson. Anderson has incredible power over the Dreamscape here. He can freely pull people into and out of the dream, where he has complete control.   Beyond just Anderson, the wild Pokémon of the forest seem to have interpreted him as some kind of deity. They zealously defend the mansion, even putting aside their own rivalries to repel trespassers. Anderson has leaned into this, occasionally abducting some of them to deliver instructions.   Only a descendant of Anderson or one who has properly earned his acknowledgement can pass through the forest without getting turned around by his power.
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