Arcana, introductions and noises off in Torovan | World Anvil
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Arcana, introductions and noises off

The next few days saw the party travelling south towards the familiarity of Darabin and with this the mood lifted somewhat. Each member of the party took time to speak with Lantri, who began to open up a little about her life in the Aedon Hold and her now deceased family. Gentle questioning revealed that her family were originally from Marabin, to the east of Darabin and that she thought she may have an aunt, Sabithra, there still. Solstice asked her whether she had seen Fieryan at the Aedon Hold recently and she remembered that he made the best goodberries and was friendly and he might have been there a few weeks before the necromancer arrived. Beyond that she didn't know when he had left or where he was going, but it might have been north to Valley Cove. As they travelled the party kept an eye out for anyone who seemed to be in pursuit of them but saw no one. Taking the decision to compose a letter to Cathall on what had transpired they wrote about the battle for Aedon Hold and decided to find a courier in Darabin who could convey the letter to Tagarten:    
Cathall, We arrived at the destination as discussed. Things were not as expected. Place overrun with undead and a necromancer making a portal. Master deceased, all others also dead. We still have the wagons and information that F travelled north to Valley Cove. Please send guidance.
    As they neared Darabin the decision was made to hide the stones which they had been guarding for so long. Jakkar carefully selected an old campsite off the main road and the party spent the better part of a day unloading the many tonnes of stone into pits and disguising the cache from prying eyes on the road. The task of hiding the stones complete they finally approached Darabin as dusk was falling. Directed by the gate guards to Khuzal's office the party crowded inside the small space and were warmly welcomed by a tired looking Khuzal. When asked he said that there had been strange goings on in town with two thieves imprisoned in the cells. He stated that his suspicions in them had been aroused by the presence on them of several items, including two books which of such fine quality that two individuals of their shabby appearence could only have come into possession of them through ill means. Since the theives had been trying to sell the books to Delbin he'd left them in Delbin's possession for him to try and work out who might actually own them. The prisoners themselves had arrived in town via the riveron a small boat from the east, though whether it was from Marabin area or further east at Lakeholde he couldn't tell.   The party decided to tell Khuzal what had transpired at the Aedon Hold and the old dwarf originally laughed at their tale, until Lantri began crying and Khuzal's belief that the old fort was just an abandoned ruin was shattered. White with shock he pressed the party for details and then wished he hadn't, telling the party he wanted nothing to do with necromancers or any such thing. His recollections of his time in the army had dispelled any romantic fantasies of conflict a long time ago. Asking to see the prisoners Khuzal refused saying that it was too late that night but that tomorrow they could.   A far more enthusiastic welcome was afforded by Vuln the goblin cook who all but hugged the party when he saw them. Recounting tales of increased militia recruitment and the bland stews he was being forced to cook for them he promised to cook the party many good meals while they were in Darabin and added his knowledge of the prisoners to their own stating that the two ruffians had strange tattoos of wind and clouds and seemed to talk in strange hand signals and nothing else. Further discussion yielded nothing further so the party settled for the night.   The following day saw Art and Jakkar assist Khuzal in drilling some of the militia recruits while Dell, Solstice and Torban observed the two prisoners. Taking their time to study the two captives it became evident that the signals were not any form of language the group knew though Solstice began to recognise that the symbols were certainly elemental in nature and designed to promote reassurance between the two silent prisoners. As night fell the group went to visit Delbin. A single oil lamp burned through the back window as they knocked on the front door and Delbin visibly beamed as he welcomed them into the shop, lighting further lamps as he related to Torban the success of the various brews coming from his and Draema's joint operation and only lamented that occasionally he had run short of beer due to its popularity. Asked about the prisoners and the books Delbin could tell them nothing more than they already knew of the prisoners but showed them the books he had taken possession of. Between them Torban, Art and Dell realised that the books were certainly of very high quality and contained a detailed history of the kings of old, the rise of the mage cults, the Arch Mage Khadaris and the eventual Summoning and Sundering. Some of the text seemed to indicate to Art that the books may be somehow warded, but it was Dell who recognised with a measure of horror that some of the illustrations of Khadaris's dark temples contained the very same symbols as the stones they had only recently buried and the elemental magicks the mage cults were known for. Thanking Delbin for his time and taking possession of the books the party thanked him and returned to the bunk house to consider their next move....     Solstice spent more time studying the two captives from outside the cell and determined that she could probably communicate with them in their own form of sign language. Relaying this to her comrades prompted a discussion of what they would want to ask the captives and how best to do it. Deciding that it would be a good idea to try and insert Solstice into the cell block in disguise and try to hoodwink the captives into revealing something about themselves. Torban visited the cell block and gently pulled a young guard named Veln to one side and explained part of their plan to him. He seemed skeptical but Torban's confidence and the promise of 2 gold pieces for him and his fellow guard, Borog, soon sealed the deal, on the strict condition that if they were found out Torban would tell Khuzal that it was only a gold piece each. As the time to place Solstice in the cell arrived Art conjured fake tattoos and the appearance of injuries on her skin to give Solstice the appearance of the captives. Ushered into cell next to the captives Solstice sat for a few minutes, waiting for the guard to lose interest and then whispered harshly to the captives: "Do you know how much I've been through to get in here and find out what you idiots have done?" The captives seemed taken aback, especially her use of some of their own hand signals, even though they were done crudely. Solstice asked if they were followers of the Great Wind but they were unconvinced to share more about themselves. Showing them her tattoos and pleading some ignorance as she was new to the ways of the Great Wind seemed to convince them a little more and they asked where she was from and who sent her. Solstice retorted that they were the ones at fault as they had exposed the Cult to outsiders with their reckless and selfish behaviour. Whether it was her choice of words or her demenour she wasn't sure, but something gave the game away and the cultists went silent and refused to talk further.   Art messaged Solstice and determined how badly things were going and devised a new plan. Generating similar tattoos on herself she went into the cell block, bribing Borag further to leave and stand outside. Whispering she congratulated Solstice and the two captives and let Soltice out of the cage. Her honeyed words had the right effect and the cultists confessed that they should have gone to Lakehold. Art decided to push her luck and ask whether the leader of the group was still at Houndpost (the only town south of Lakehold she really knew about) and fooled the captives into revealing that the leader was also headed to Lakehold. Eventually the two confessed that they had stolen items from somewhere but had snuck away from their comrades with the books in an effort to sell them and were ashamed of their actions and wished to make amends to the greater members of the cult and to the Great Wind itself. Satisfied that they had gotten some useful information Art and Solstice left the cells and immediately went to see Khuzal.   Asking him about Lakehold he mused that he hadn't been there in years and that the militia commander he knew there was a human and likely dead now. The town was still under the control of Lady Nandar and her family and was frequently the subject of orc and goblin raids from some of the less civilised tribes in the nearby forests, but that only really became a problem if the tribes united and made a concerted effort. On those rare occasions the milita at Lakehold would ride out and deal with them. The group asked if he knew anyone who would likely be interested in the books and he said he knew of no one in town other than Delbin and maybe Lady Cova. Passing the books into their charge they visited Delbin again who assured them that neither he nor Lady Cova would be able to afford something of such fine quality and that the most likely market for them would be in a town such as the regional capital, Eshhnore.   Deciding to visit Lady Cova at the local brothel on the pretext that it was also Dell's birthday, they ventured across town and were surprised to see a building which was far better appointed than the usual sort of brothels one might expect in a trading town. As they entered they were stopped by a large, muscular half orc who introduced himself in broken common as 'Kulg' and seemed to serve as a doorman for the venue. As Art, Jakkar and Dell entered they almost walked into Borag who hastily made excused and left before Lady Cova appeared and welcomed them. Some bargaining of prices ensued, the diminuitive old lady proving to be somewhat more persuasive than her appearance might have suggested and Dell went upstairs with a couple of lithe looking elven ladies. After a couple of hours an obviously pleased Dell reappeared and sat in the bar with Art and Jakkar, both of whom had enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine. As Lady Cova assured them that she knew nothing of books and even as someone of some wealth herself she would be unlikely to ever be able to afford such books as the ones they referred to. Dell looked around the room as she spoke and began to realise that amongst the brothel's many decorations were elements of thieves cant and other coded languages cautioning those present to conduct no 'business' or acts of violence on the premises. The adventurers finally asked Lady Cova if they could obtain anything for her but she simply smiled at them and said, "I prefer information rather than simple goods."   Returning to the bunkhouse, the group passed the time by asking Vuln of the goblin tribes around Lakehold. The little goblin cook was less than kind in his description of his distant cousins, referring to them as violent and uncultured. Seeing little reason to remain around Darabin and wait for a message from Tagarten, the group decided to make their way to Marabin and return Lantri to her family there. Instructing Vuln to forward any messages which seemed important to Marabin the group set off at dawn for the Drow enclave. Arriving near dusk the following day the group were met by a wary town guard who Torban explains the young girl's plight to. Reunited with her aunt Sabithra, Lanri seemed happier. As the details of the party's exploits at the Aedon Hold began to be retold the high priestess of the town, Zendalica Do'Rae came to greet them. She insistently asked them about the fate of the Aedon Hold, Master Tembus and whether the group or the enemy had found any 'chambers'. Convinced that none had been found she merely whispered "Thank Auretaria he is safe." and became silent for a time.   Welcomed into the little community for the night Sabithra brought them into her home. As Lantri and the group explained what had happened at the Aedon Hold her aunt became serious and eventually left them for a little while before Solstice was called before Zendalica to fully explain the situation at the Aedon Hold. At the mention of the cursed stones the rest of the party was brought into Zendalica's prescence and told to hand over the location of the items. When some members of the group refused they suddenly found themselves victim to a paralising spell at which point Zendalica's true steel became apparent, "Do not mistake my choice to step into the light and goddess and serve her in this simple community as either an unwillingness or inability to step into the darkness and do what must be done. The light of the Aedon Hold will be rekindled for that duty has fallen to me but I will do whatever must be done to protect the order and you are either with the order, or against it. The stones will remain with me to dispose of once I have assembled those with the knowledge to do so."   Realising that they had little to no choice in handing over the stones to Zendalica and her men, the party relayed the location of the burial site to some of her scouts and retired to Sabithra's home for the night...   Before dawn a distant booming roused everyone from their beds. Spilling outside they saw that the whole town had been awakened. Jakkar ran to one of the watchtowers and swiftly determined that the sounds were those of mighty impacts hitting the ground from the direction of Lakehold, many miles distant. The guards were clueless as to whether it was Lakehold itself or somewhere else. The rest of the party saw Zendalica immediately order some of her personal guards out of the gate on horseback to investigate. Torban approached her to ask what she thought of the events and she rebuffed his questions and told them to wait until the guards returned. Waiting until the morning everyone saw one of the two guards return, his horse blowing hard as he jumped from it and ran to Zendalica to report. An animated conversation ensued in Undercommon. Zendalica then hurriedly called Solstice to her and spoke of an attack on Lakehold from a castle in the sky. As the party heard this some dimly recalled tales from childhood of giants in flying castles who would drop giant rocks on their enemies. Zendalica spoke of the town's inhabitants having fled, the other guard waiting some miles distant with one group of survivors. Looking at the group of adventurers she then decided that help was needed at Lakehold and urged them to head there immediately, she and her guard would locate the cursed stones themselves. Asking them to look out for a group of envoys, led by a dwarf cleric named Gartath, from Eshhnore and mentioning that the group was carrying tomes of great value Torban stepped forward and showed her the books they had acquired from the thieves. Her reaction was a mixture of relief and horror as it became apparent that the envoys must have come to some harm enroute. Her gratitiude even extended as far as graciously turning down Torban's offer to sell her Hillbrew beer!   Taking their leave of Marabin the party rode swiftly from the town and headed towards Lakehold. Several miles from the town Jakkar began to notice signs of a fight on the track and extending into the woodland, arrows sticking out of the trees and signs of bloodshed. Dell located a blood trail and began to follow it into the woodland. A sudden cry surprised the party into readiness for a fight, but the lone fey who appeared seemed too injured to be a real threat. Introducing himself as Gwanwyn, he told of his escape from the Feywild and his joining up with a small group of travellers led by the cleric Gartath and their subsequent slaughter at the hands of some bandits. AS the group had become overwhelmed Gwanwyn had sought refuge in the woodland, helpless to prevent the final slaughter of the envoys.   Allowing Gwanwyn to join them, the party made their way further down the track to Lakehold and found Zendalica's other guard with a group of refugees in some makeshift shelters. As Torban and others gave aid to the injured the guard related details of the attack on the town. It had indeed been giants from a sky castle who had thrown great rocks from their vessel and then descended to the town and taken a large stone from the centre of the town and returned to their vessel. Those that could flee the town had done so with many heading towards the Dripping Caves nearby, a traditional place of refuge for the townsfolk, but a large group of orcs had been seen approaching the damaged town as dawn rose.   Thanking the guard for his help the group continued on towards Lakehold, eventually creasting a small rise and staring down at the town. A strident ringing could be heard from the town temple bell and the damage to the town was evident even from some distance away. Deciding to approach the town cautiously the party moved to the drawbridge over the main entrance to town. As they approached Jakkar saw tracks going back and forth, many unmistakably human and panicked, the townsfolk running to the caves. Of greater concern though were the tracks coming into town, a mixture of orcs and orges and many in number.   Their passage covered by the ringing bell of the temple, they quietly entered town. Keeping close to the temple they looked across the town square and saw two ogres playing catch with what appeared to be a severed head, the savage creatures almost joyful as they tossed the head back and forth. Circling round the back of the temple they risked a glance through the windows and saw two Orogs inside, one ringing the bell and the other laughing. Finally moving back to the front door of the temple the party moved carefully inside and down the nave. Dell stepped up to the door and loosed an arrow into the first Orog he saw. Nocking another arrow he followed his first shot and felled the creature. Hearing a roar from behind the door Dell backed away as a second Orog appeared, driving its weapon into Gwanwyn. The party rallied to their new comrade's defence with a hail of arrows and magical fire before Solstice switched her form to that of a giant hyena and clamped her jaws onto the creature before Art let loose a firebolt into its face, killing the Orog. The party heard the temple bell slowly stop ringing and considered their next move...   A quick investigation of the temple yielded only a small number of coins so the party decided to break from the cover of the temple and make their way further into the town. Deciding that the ringing bell would act as good cover for them, Jakkar set to ringing the bell as one by one the party glanced out of the temple door and darted the 40 feet across the thoroughfare to the neighbouring tavern. As first Torban, then Gwanwyn, Dell, Art, Solstice and finally Jakkar made their way across, they believed that they hadn't been noticed by the ogres in the townsquare who were still playing catch with the various body parts of some unfortunate town's person. Glancing into the tavern through one of the rents in the side of the building Dell saw an Ogre across the room from him. Even as Art messaged the Ogre with the words "Beddybyes time", it locked eyes with Dell and grinned. Dell launched the first attack before the creature could even move and then moved back as blasts of magical energy blew in the window and slammed into the ogre. Solstice's hyena form charged through the gap in the wall and savagely tore at the ogre whilst Jakkar's first shot took it high in the chest, followed by curses as his quiver once again spilled its contents. Unable to open the front door Gwan moved to the window and cast a sliver of energy into the creatures mind, sending it reeling in pain. Torban dashed into the fray as the ogre landed a blow on Solstice with its greatclub before a final blast of energy from Art scorched through its chest and killed it.   Dell opened the door of the tavern as Jakkar retrieved his arrows. As Art, Gwanwyn and Solstice moved to the right into the kitchen area of the tavern they saw a dead goblin lying across a table. Dell and Torban began to explore upstairs as Solstice examined the goblin, determining the blood to be fresh and its death very recent. Meanwhile Gwanwyn was fascinated with the little green creature and asked Art many questions about what it was and why it was green. Art answered as best she could to their new friends odd line of query. Torban began searching the rooms and found a locked chest while Dell observed a well made, if faded, tapestry in one of the room. Remembering a similar tapestry in the Khardruketh mines he hurled a dagger into it to make sure it was just cloth. Torban entered one of the front bedrooms which had been badly damaged in the previous night's attack and saw a female human body in the devastation. Realising she was alive he began moving the debris to free her before hearing a resounding crash from downstairs.   Gwanwyn and Solstice has already begun to back away from the front of the building as they heard noises from outside when the two ogres from the town square slamming into the wattle and daub wall of the building. Battering their way the ogres smashed into Art and Solstice before Art replied with a thunderous blast of energy which echoed around the whole building and beyond. Weaving his fey magic Gwanwyn allowed himself, Solstice and Art to then escape the creatures and all three headed up the stairs. Seeing the danger of the both the ogres and what they might do to the building Torban cast a shattering spell into both creature's skulls, their roars of pain proof of its effectiveness. Jakkar loosed an arrow in panic and then drew a breath to steady his aim and wounded both creatures with his second and third shots before Dell slew the first ogre with a well placed shot.   The remaining orge yanked a javeline from his back and launched it into Art as she ran up the stairs, the pain of the attack throwing of her ability to cast a spell. Magically laced words from Gwanwyn sent the creature into spasms of pain allowing Solstice the chance to lock her jaws round its face and crush its face with a bone crunching crack. As the others regrouped Torban quickly pulled the human woman from under the debris, waking her. Telling them her name was Kella she was able to give the party rough numbers of the enemies within the town. Meanwhile Jakkar, Dell and Gwanwyn began to search the other rooms again, unlocking the chest Torban had found and finding dwarven armour, a helmet, some coins, two gemstones of good quality and a potion which Gwanwyn determined to be a heroism potion.   Solstice began to whine at Art as from outside the group heard the noise of many orcan voices. Torban looked out from the upstairs room and saw the remaining Orcs and Orogs who had attacked the town begin to gather and move towards the tavern...   Even as he shouted a warning to the rest of the group Torban began to form swirling patterns in the air, dark clouds appearing hundreds of feet above the town before he uttered a word of command and a fork of lightning struck down into the town square, blasting one orc to pieces as the electrical energy further burned two others. Art and Solstice ran into the front room as Dell, Jakkar and Gwanwyn began to take up positions in other rooms. As Dell looked to the east he spotted a small group of orcs running from the farm buildings next to the tavern and loosed shots at them, missing the fast moving targets. Jakkar leaned out of the window to the west, spying more orcs moving in from the distant windmill. Taking aim he began to pepper them with shots as they ran towards the tavern. Art and Gwanwyn added their own magical blasts to the battle, scattering some of the orcs but doing little damage the bulk of the orcs reached the tavern. Kella howled in agony as an Orog burst into the room downstairs and hurled a javelin upwards, driving the shaft into her shoulder. Seeing another Orog burst in and add his own volley Torban took the fight to them and launched himself from the upstairs room and into the Orogs. Even while casting healing magics to his companions he managed to land blows on the Orogs. Dell sent a volley of arrows into the Orogs as Torban continued to fight them in the abandoned dining room. Jakkar continued to send shot after accurate shot against the orcs running from the south west, felling some as they approached before switching his aim to those closer to the tavern, ending the lives of several before they could reach the tavern. As some of the orks tried to charge the stairs they found their way blocked by the hulking form of a giant Hyena which promptly barreled into them, tearing flesh from bone as the orcs traded blows with her. Torban continued to take blows from the Orogs before blasting them with thunderous energy. Heavily wounded, Torban was grateful when one of Dell's arrows pierced the Orog's head and dropped the creature. Art saw a chance and unleashed a fireball just outside the tavern, Torban feeling the heat from the blast, incinerating one ork and burning both ork and orog. Gwanwyn let out a burst of energy, renewing his colleagues health as he launched a blast of eldritch energy into the Orog still engaged with Torban, giving the stout dwarf a chance to escape the melee. Gwanwyn's attention to helping his friends distracted him from the volley of javelins launched at him and several found their mark. A group of orcs charged Torban as the Orog chased after him, one orc recoiling from a blast of thunderous energy and falling dead before both the Orog and three orcs howled in agony, blood pouring from eyes and noses as Torban summoned shattering energies into the creature's bodies, killing all four of them. Torban began to run upstairs before seeing them blocked by Solstice, who was still tearing apart the orcs trying to fight their way up.   As the fight began to turn the party saw two orcs begun to run towards the gate as Dell shot the last orog dead from the ruined upper floor and Jakkar vaulted down into the kitchen, loosing an arrow into a lone orc, slaying him. As Art and Gwanwyn finished the last of the orcs outside, Torban tried to subdue the last orc but the creature's wounds had driven it into a panic and he was only able to bring an end to the orc's suffering. As the dust finally settled and silence returned to the tavern Solstice returned to her elven form and joined Kella in tending to Gwanwyn's wounds...   With Kella and Solstice occupied Torban set to checking out the bar of the tavern and was visibly disappointed to find no evidence of Hillbrew beer. He returned to find Gwanwyn talking to Kella and between the two of them they set to asking Kella how she had come to be at the tavern. Kella told them that she had made her way north from the direction of Houndpost as part of a caravan escort and was in town looking for further work before going further north to Eshnore where she had cousins. She knew that the castle was under the command of Lady Nandar but that she had not been up to the castle. She denied killing the goblin in the bar and didn't react when Art loudly mentioned 'The Order'. Torban believed that Kella seemed capable. The party then spent a couple of hours moving from building to building searching them for survivors. In one small cottage Dell found a sack with coins and a chicken and took a gold ring from a corpse. In the stables Torban decided to let the horses, a collection of riding and draft horses. As Solstice calmed one horse so that Gwanwyn could try and saddle it Art investigated the hayloft, finding nothing of interest other than oats for the horses which she grabbed a sack of.   Jakkar, Art and Dell then left the stables and made their way across the town square to the gatehouse and after working out the controls between the two towers managed to raise the drawbridge to half way closed. Once they were done they returned to the group and found Torban looking at a body in the grounds of another cottage. Dell and Art decided to check the body to find out why he might have been out in his garden so late at night when the rocks began to fall. The sight of muddy footprints and soiled breeches convinced them that he had been running towards his latrine when a rock had hit him. Gwanwyn obtained a small wooden child's toy of a sheep from another cottage.   Approaching a well maintained and decorated cottage Art recognised a curse written round the door in Infernal runes. Torban was insistent at entering but Art cautioned against it. Gwanwyn used his powers to determine that the runes were not magical. Torban loudly announced that since the property was no longer occupied it was now his and as the rightful owner he could now enter and tried opening the door only to find it locked. Dell obliged by unlocking the door and Torban went inside. Torban examined the house, finding two beds, medical instruments and a large amount of other medicinal items. Gwanwyn searched behind some jars and found a small box containing a healing potion which he promptly drank.   Moving across the town they found a couple of empty cottages which had been ransacked by the orcs but the trading post was in a better state. Searching the property the group took a few items which they needed and left. The final building they searched was the windmill. It was as empty of life as any of the other buildings but a search by Torban did yield some coins, arrows and a dagger which were distributed amongst the group.   Deciding that they should also search the castle the group approached the upward sloping bridge. Seeing a large hole in its structure the group decided they needed to find a way to cross the 15ft hole. Efforts by Jakkar to use a piton and rope as a grappling hook only succeeded in a misplaced swing wounding Torban. Gwanwyn then used a magical hand to take the rope across the gap and tie it securely on the other side. Securing the other end the group then shimmied across the gap. Solstice fell into the moat, but clambered from the water and crossed again. Torban decided he would jump it and managed to make the jump, his heavy armour causing the whole bridge to vibrate as he landed....     The party advanced across the remainder of the bridge and finding the wooden doors between the gatehouses unbarred they pushed them open and entered the courtyard. Swiftly examining the two gatehouses they found one intact but empty of any guards, the other partially destroyed by the impact of another large rock, the remains of three guards sticking out from the ruins. Entering the inner bailey they were confronted by four guards, Sydiri, Torem, Alara and Kaelen. Initially fearful, the guard's trust was slowly gained by Torban as he gave some of the injured guards healing and he explained that they had defeated the orcs and taken the town back. The guard captain, Torem, related that the previous night the town was bombarded with rocks from the sky and the keep was hit several times, resulting the in the death of Lady Nandar. Torem showed her lying in state, the party deciding not attempt any form of healing or resurrection on her. He continued to explain that the townspeople has fled, some in the direction of the dripping caves, some elsewhere. Once the townspeople had fled some giants descended from the sky and uprooted the stone from the centre of town and left with it. Torem further explained that the townsfolk who fled to the Dripping Caves were considered overdue and pointed to an area of woodland about a mile away. By this time someone from the town should have appeared there to observe the town and see if it was safe to return. He enlisted the party's help to investigate the woodland and the Dripping Caves and bring the townsfolk back to town. Granting them the aid of Sydiri to find horses and guide them to the woodland rendevous brought thanks from the party and the gift of a potion of Hill Giant strength from Torban.   Taking time to round up the horses they had previously released the group spoke to Sydiri who confirmed many of the things Torem had said. Sydiri was introduced to Kella, who it appeared she had not previously met. As the party made to set off Kella said that she would remain at the town. The drawbridge was lowered and the group rode out the short distance to the woodland. Jakkar searched the area of woodland indicated by Sydiri, finding both orc and human tracks leading from the woodland in the direction of the Dripping Caves. Taking her leave Sydiri began to ride back to town as the party set off towards the caves...     Approaching the hill the party saw a narrow cleft in the base of the hill leading to a cave mouth. Seeing no signs of any guards they split into two groups, Gwanwyn, Art and Solstice to the left, the others to the right. Seeing nothing close to the entrance the party sent Dell forward to take a closer look. Edging towards the entrance Dell narrowed his eyes and peered into the gloom. Stifling a feeling of sick in his mouth Dell was greeted by the sight of a large naked ogre taking a mud bath in the centre of the large cavern beyond. Nocking his bow Dell took aim and sent an arrow into the creature. As it bellowed in pain and reared out of the mud a javelin whizzed past Dell and clattered off the rocks near him. Dell loosed another arrow at the ogre, wounding it again and retreated back. The party stood in amongst the rocks and brush outside the cave, readying themselves for a rush from the ogre which never came. Waiting a few seconds Dell again moved forward, looking into the cave entrance and seeing no sign of the ogre amongst the stalagtites and stalagmites, but glancing round he noticed a number of raised ledges around the edge of the cavern. Seeing an orc on the ledge to his left he nocked another arrow and sent it into the orc. Gwanwyn created an illusion of the gnome rogue in the entrance to the cavern and was rewarded with a barrage of projectiles being thrown at the illusion. Recognising the standoff Torban ran headlong into the cavern, seeing the ogre Dell had wounded and more orcs. Unleashing a blast of shattering force against the ogre he felled the beast. Solstice moved into the cave entrance and sighted a second ogre and a number of orcs near the back of the cavern and conjoured an upheaval of the ground around them, wounding and slowing them down as they began to charge. Dell and Jakkar sent arrows into any target they could see as Art sent a fireball into the middle of the enemies to the right of the cavern, burning three of them badly.   Torban began shouting "You can't hit me" as he ran into the centre of the cavern, directly challenging the orcs and orogs who thus far had failed to hit him. Solstice conjured a beam of lunar energy onto the nearest Orog before herself and Dell came under fire from the orcs, both being wounded before Gwanwyn cast a spell to weaken the orcs resolve. Art projected a blast of thunderous force forward into the cave, killing the orog and orc who had hurt her friends. Torban turned round and ploughed into the back of the last orog, slaying him. Solstice redirected her energies onto the second ogre, burning it further before Jakkar sent an arrow into its brain. Seeing their allies fall so readily the remaining two orcs ran into a side passage to the west, leaving the adventurers alone in the cavern...     Torban moved further into the chamber, wading into the mud pit which the ogre had come from. Slipping on the sticky mud he pulled himself out of the mire and listened closely. Hearing muffled voices from the north eastern chamber he turned and indicated this to his comrades. Art went to a stone corridor to the east of the cavern and relayed that she could hear nothing. Quickly casting some healing magicks around themselves to ward off the worst of their injuries the group then moved to the north eastern cavern. Torban and Art led the way and quickly saw small groups of prisoners huddled amongst the alcoves of the cavern. As the party began freeing the prisoners from their bindings a dwarf stepped forward, introducing themself as Morak Ur'Gray, proprietor of the Nightstone Inn. He explained that the villagers had fled to the caves as planned but found them already occupied with orcs. A few villagers had managed to escape but had been swiftly recaptured. Over the following hours a number of the villagers had been taken by the orcs to somewhere else in the caves. Gwanwyn made a pronouncement to the prisoners of the adventurer's deeds, much to the confusion of many before Morak asked what they could do about the villagers. Enlisting the help of a half elf guard named Nelvin, the party armed the remaining guards and some of the villagers and hurriedly sent them out of the caves back to town. As they left several of the villagers begged the party to try and find their missing relatives. Seeing the villagers safely out the caves, the party ventured into the eastern tunnel. Slowly making their way down the narrow passageway in single file, they found themselves in a small cavern, a strange stalagmite dominating the centre of the cavern. The column of rock was pockmarked with narrow holes which tunnelled to the centre of the column. Gwanwyn investigated one of the holes and dodged to the side as a black tentacle lashed out of the column and slammed into the wall beside him. Jakkar slammed his sword into the column of tock to no effect and began to retreat as Art let loose a blast of energy into one of the holes. Channeling his fey magic Gwan imbued the party with a burst of speed and most of the party moved away from the column. Torban hurled himself forward as a creature of black ooze pushed itself from inside the column and lashed out at Jakkar. A acid sting and smell of burned told Jakkar of the damage rent upon his armour by the creature. Torban slashed at the creature with his longsword and watched in horror as the creature was cut in two but seemingly just into two slightly smaller creatures. Solstice enchanted her staff with power and hit out at one of the creatures. Dell and Jakkar lent a volley of arrows to the assault, the arrows dissolving in the flesh of the creature but seeming to hurt them. Blasts of arcane energy from Art lashed one creature as Gwanwyn conjured a bonfire under it. Torban reeled backwards as one of the monsters damaged his armour. Further blows split the creature further, leaving three dark masses before the adventurers. Repeated blasts of energy burned chunks off the creatures before they finally collapsed in on themselves and became still.   Tending to their wounds as best they could the group decided to collect a sample of the creatures. Dell and Torban succeeding in picking up a small amount of the creature in a potion bottle. Venturing deeper down the passageway they found a stream running through a cavern, mushrooms dotting the interior. Recogising them as poisonous, Solstice cautioned the party and aided Dell in gathering six of them for later use. Moving swiftly back to the main cavern the party set off into the south western passage. Seeing the sleeping pallets of the orcs laying around they cautiously worked their way through. Seeing both very young and very old goblins and orcs, the party did not engage them in combat, but felt a mounting level of disgust as they found their way to the creature's kitchens. The sight of the recently butchered corpses of several villagers gave the party the realisation that their friend Vuln had been telling the truth about the feral nature of the orcs in this land. Sickened the party returned to the main cavern and took on of the two remaining passageways and worked their way in, but stopped at the curious site of a lone orc holding a wooden staff with what appears to be someone's linen underwear attached. The gutteral exchange which followed led the party into negotiation with the orc warlord. His appearance with a lone villager, an axe to her neck, forced Torban into talking to the warlord. He demanded ransom for the woman and all the prisoners. Torban and Gwanwyn asked if he meant all the remaining prisoners. Following a confused pause they heard running feet heading to the eastern cavern and back. Realising that he had lost all but one prisoner the warlord changed his demands to be ransom and safe passage from the caverns. As Torban voiced acceptance of the terms the warlord hurled the young woman towards Torban. As she cowered in the passageway Torban's only response was to shout "NOW!" to his comrades...   Hearing Torban's cry the party readied themselves for the coming fight as Torban stepped over the cowering townswoman. Solstice dove forwards, grabbing the woman and began dragging her to safety. Seeing the orc chieftain Gwan cast forth a magic laced song, the chief's mind wracked with pain from the melody. Art pursued Torban and the retreating Orc up the northern passageway as a shouted warning from Dell raised the alarm of more orcs coming down the eastern passage. Magical bolts of energy flashed past Dell as he retreated back into the cavern with his friends. Loosing arrows at the approaching orcs he felled one even as a javelin hit him. Jakkar made his way round a stone pillar and shot dead Dell's assailant. Torban traded blows with the orc warlord as he retreated into a larger cavern, evidence of the orc's brutality to the townspeople littering the floor in the form of the broken bodies of some of the town guards and their weapons. Seeing the source of the magical bolts Dell launched a shot into the orc's shaman, wounding him as Gwanwyn added his song to the attack on the creature. Art helped drive back the orc chief with bolts of fire as Solstice lashed him with thorned vines. The orc shaman retreated backwards, waving his hand to unleash a horde of giant rats into the narrow passageway. Jakkar sent a volley of arrows into the horde, his superior bow skills killing rats one after another as fast as they fed down the passage. As the rats overwhelmed the group and attacked Solstice, she unleashed a blast of thunderous force, slaying more of them before Jakkar renewed his assault, killing more of them as he moved north after Art and Torban. An orc warrior dived towards Dell, wounding him badly before before Jakkar loosed more shots back down the passageway, killing another orc. As Torban and the orc chief burst into the main cavern Art unleashed a blast of energy into the chief, drawing the attention of the shaman who loosed a blast of glittering energy into her. Seeing his new attacker the orc warlord ran at Art, smashing her to the ground before charging towards Solstice. As she drifted towards unconsciousness, Art heard the gentle melody of Gwanwyn's singing in her head and was pulled back to wakefullness. Dell lashed out at the orc pursuing him, ripping his guts from his him before diving past a boulder into a small cavern and spying a large padlocked chest. Art flung more firebolts into the orc chief as Solstice morphed into her hyena form and bit at the orc warlord. Swinging at the shaman Torban suddenly felt his limbs stiffen as a magical force took hold of his body. Jakkar slew the last of the orc warriors pursuing them and then lent his arrows to the assault on the orc chief. Gwanwyn conjured a firery force on the orc chief's armour, the metal glowing red hot, burning his flesh before Jakkar loosed one final arrow into the creature's head, punching the arrow through the top of his skull.   As Torban broke the hold of the orc shaman he saw the creature running from the cave as Art barrelled past, nocking a bolt into her crossbow. The shaman was in full retreat as her bolt lanced past his head, missing by the narrowest of margins.   With the orcs either dead or in full retreat the party regrouped. Dell eagerly snapped the padlock from the chest, realising that it was more for show than anything. The scant coins and small trinkets inside amounted to little, but a leather wallet containing a set of theives tools was quickly pocketed along with a shiny, well made ring. Solstice went back into the caverns and helped the lady they had rescued to her feet, calming her as she told of the orc's defeat. Introducing herself as Daphne Featherstone, lady in waiting to Lady Nandar. Unwilling to burden her with the news of Lady Nandar's passing, Solstice and Torban were selective in what they told her. Slightly suspicious of why she was not in the tower when the rocks fell, Solstice asked her why she had been outside the building. Her reply was simply that she was running an errand for the Lady to the inn to get a bottle of wine which had been specially ordered for her by Morak the inn keeper. Gathering a few belongings of the deceased as proof of those who had passed, the party returned the couple of miles back to town. The townsfolk welcomed the party back into town with thanks and cheers despite being shocked and saddened by their losses. Morak greeted the party and said that they were welcome at what remained of the inn. It fell to the guard captain Torem to break the news of Lady Nandar's passing to Daphne. Her unconsolable weeping evidence of the close bond she had held with the lady. Torem examined the items Torban had brought back from the caves and said he recognised some. Taking them and despatching a burial detail to the caves told Torban that their work was now concluded for a time...   Welcomed into the guardhouse of the keep by Torem, the party soon began to recuperate and the next couple of days brought a chance for them to resupply some of their depleted stores. Torem proved himself to be a man of honour, refusing an offer of money from Torban towards the rebuilding of the town. He did however promise to send a letter of introduction with the news of the death of Lady Velrosa Nandar to her brother, Talgreth Nandar, in Eshnore. In it he has recommended safe passage and welcome and lodgings be given to the party should they visit the Nandar home in Eshnore. Solstice managed to catch one of the guards, Alara, shortly before she left on a mission to find and return some of the townsfolk who had fled to Marabin and beyond and convinced her to take a message to Marabin on behalf of the party to Zendelika: Town suffered attack by giants. Rocks were dropped from the sky and many people were killed. Lady Nandar has been killed. We rescued many townsfolk from the Dripping Caves. We will remain in town for a few days to help them, but beyond that please give any instructions to Alara. Solstice also mentioned to Alara that should she find her way to Darabin then the Manticore's Tale tavern was a good place to rest and that Khuzal Drakemane, militia commander, was a friend and could be relied upon.   Inquiries into the whereabouts of the woman, Kella, who had briefly fought alongside them at the battle for the town, proved curious when it was discovered that shortly after they left for the Dripping Caves a number of horsemen had arrived and Kella had immediately departed southwards with them.   Gwanwyn sought the advice of Destiny Agganor, the town midwife, for information on the giants: I know of the giants, the stories the elves tell. They say that the giants used to live in peace, not harmony, but a kind of peace. The Ordning was what they called it, how the giants were ordered. The Storm Giants ruled all, then the Cloud, extravagant and aloof. Fire and Frost were next, craftsmen and warrior, then Stone and Hill, angry and hungry and hateful. They fought as one during the wars against the dragons, even staying mostly in step when their empire fell. It is said that something happened to the drive the giants apart, but all I know is that the first war against the dark one saw giants on both sides.' Gwanwyn related a little of his own history to Destiny, saying that he was unfamiliar with the area as he was from far away and that the party were his personal bodyguard as he was of some importance. Destiny seemed unconvinced, but did give the him a thankful gift for rescuing her and her family.   Dell and Jakkar sought help from the local blacksmith, Zalf Delfryndel, to fix armour but were politely told that he was more used to fixing horses than armour. Giving him their condolences for the loss of his brother to the goblins, they were directed to Morak for further help.   Between Torban's helping the town with food and water and Dell and Jakkar's inquiries, Morak felt it was worth asking for their assistance in informing some of the extended families of the loss of their kin: Bryn Shandar - a town across the ocean in the ice fields is home to Markham Southwell, brother to Semile Southwell, a friend of Morak's. Markham is sheriff of Bryn Shandar and Morak was hoping that the party could undertake the long journey to take word of her death to him. Isselion - the large temple farm which supplies much of Eshnore with produce is home to Miros Xelbrin, son of two of the casualties of the giant attack. Known as the Yeti, Morak belived that he might run a tavern there Valleyhold - the ex wife of Darthag Ulgar, Alaestra, runs the Lionshield Coster in Valleyhold. Darthag was eaten by giant rats in the Dripping Caves and Morak believes that Alaestra has rights over the Coster in Lakehold following his death.   After much deliberation the party set out for Isselion, arriving after a few days and made their way to the Northfurrow's End tavern with the help of a young boy, Laarn, who had been assigned to them as a guide by the town guard. Miros took the news of his parent's passing hard, but thanked the party for bringing it to him. Settling into the tavern bunkroom, the party then sought to find out more about Isselion, also known by many as the Goldenfields...     Settling in the main bar, the party fully realised just how big the Northfurrow's End was. Chatting with some of the patrons the party were told of the bountiful crops which the Goldenfields provided to the regional capital and the many towns beyond. Should something bad befall the town then many places would suffer from a lack of produce. Their attention was drawn to the stage of the tavern and the singing of Oren Yogilvy, the resident bard. On one of his many drink breaks Gawnwyn engaged him in conversation, finding him a charming companion and eager to share both songs and stories in a progressively noiseier corner of the bar. It was during this time that Oren confided that he would be grateful if a message could be taken to his sister Lily in Riverreach. She would be grateful to receive the message, even though he was asking for money.   Meanwhile the rest of the party enjoyed some peace and quiet across the bar. Looking around Torban noticed an animated discussion between Miros and another man. His interest piqued, Torban made his way to the bar and waited until Miros's companion had left. Inquiring after the cause of the argument he had overheard Torban was told that Miros would speak to him later. Torban gave his thanks and took the party's refilled flagons of ale back to the table. As the tavern began to quieten down, Miros's companion finally ceased his loud proclamations to several of the town guards and left. It was at least point Miros made his way to the table with a large bottle of local liquor. Pouring a measure for each of the party members Miros toasted them and watched as Torban downed his, smiling as the young dwarf struggled a little with the heady brew. As Miros chatted to the party he reminisced a little of his time in the Eshnore Imperial Circus and his travels to various parts of the region with them, including Bryn Shandar in the ice fields, home to many different mines, including the ones which produced the diamonds he was paid in. Very unusual to be paid in diamonds.   Asking about Miros's argument from earlier brought forth a disapproving tone from Miros when he spoke of Hantanus Tarm, the rather boorish and incompetent, in his eyes, castellan of the guard. Their argument was the same argument they'd had for several weeks since a giant attack on the walls of the city and Tarm's apparent lack of concern or preparations to repel or counter any future ones. Giant attacks and other raids were not uncommon in some of the more wilderness areas or the outlying farms, but an attack on the city's walls was unheard of. When asked of the other attacks Miros said that the Abbot would know more than he did, as does Strog Thunderblade, the equally unconcerned half-orc Captain of the Guard who was resident at the Goldengulp brewery.   As the evening wound to a close the party eventually bid Miros and a very drunken Oren goodnight and retired to their bunkroom, only to be woken a few hours later by the warbling panic of Oren running past the outside of the tavern. Rushing outside the party quickly ascertained that the town appeared to be under attack from a large number of raiders. Oren pointed in multiple directions, towards both the wheat fields and the animal and farmhand quarters. Not seeing any town guard nearby and sensing something was going on near the distant walls of the town the party swiftly donned armour. Miros assured them that he and a few others could defend the tavern and that they should try to send any casualties towards it before the party set out across the wheat fields, finding a large group and ogres, bugbears and goblins ransacking several grain stores. Torban shouted a demand for surrender at them and was ignored which was enough of a cue for Art to immolate two goblins in a fireball, wounding their ogre companion into the bargain. A hail of arrows from both Dell and Jakkar slew more goblins and further wounded an ogre as Solstice and Torban charged into the fray. Unleashing a thunderous barrage of sound into a group of enemies Torban successfully killed several of them as Solstice sent blasts of poison into the faces of several opponents before morphing into her giant hyena form and attacking a terrified bugbear. With Gwanwyn, Jakkar and Dell picking off goblins almost as quickly as they charged in, the tide of battle soon turned in the party's favour. A final flurry of magical blasts and a well placed shot by Jakkar took down the final ogre.   Thier relief was short living though as they looked toward the farm hands accomodation a short distance away, seeing fires and hearing the sounds of screaming...   Quickly casting healing spells around the group ran towards the two closest buildings in the collection of nearby worker's cottages. Approaching them the party found themselves hemmed in by the rough stone walls of cottage gardens, spying the downed forms of two city militia on the ground. Shouted words of warning and intimidation to the bugbears and goblins they could see went unheeded and battle was joined. Dell loosed an arrow and sought cover under a nearby wagon as two ogres rounded the cottages, one from either direction. Solstice charged towards the eastern ogre, halting its advance at a low stone wall as Torban ran to the nearest casualty. Sensing that the man was still clinging to life, Torban cast a healing charm into him, thrusting a shortbow into his hands as he sat up. Arrows and bolts of energy flew over Torban and the guard as Gwanwyn killed one of the bugbears with a well placed blast of power and Jakkar set about killing a nearby group of goblins to prevent them advancing. The ogres began hurling javelins across the cottage gardens, missing everything they aimed at. Art's frustration grew as her powers seemed to desert her for a time, her every blast of energy either underpowered or flying wide. Gwanwyn sent whispered voices of confusion into the western ogre, sending the creature into retreat and scaring it to death before being cut down by a volley of arrows from the goblins. Torban placed himself between Gwanwyn and the advancing goblins, the wounded guard at his side taking down a goblin as Torban sent a ringing blast of energy into the group, killing three of the goblins. Art and Solstice stood their ground as they both took wounds, blasts from Art's wand and deep bites from Solstice rending the flesh of the remaining ogre. Dell lunged from under his wagon hiding place to stab a bugbear who had ran over and ran to Gwanwyn's aid as Jakkar sent a volley of arrows into the bugbear and his goblin companions. Torban fell back and cast a healing spell into Gwanwyn as more goblins and bugbears ran from the nearby cottages, advancing towards the party and into another hail of arrows from Jakkar. Shouting from the guard drew Torban's attention, the guard's family were in the westernmost cottage. Ignoring the blows of nearby assailants Torban vaulted a wall and ran to the building. Bursting in he narrowly avoided being knocked clean out by the frying pan hurled at his head by a frighten woman and her children. Seeing they were not in any more danger, the party's attack having drawn the attention of the goblins, Torban ran back outside to see Art firmly regain her powers by blasting a smoking hole through the nearby ogre threatening a now humanoid Solstice. Jakkar slew the few remaining goblins across the field as Dell and the guard killed one between them and Gwanwyn had his revenge on a final goblin with a blast of eldritch energy. A frantic introduction gave the party the guard's name, Nartath and thanks for saving his wife, Leonora, and their children. A quick search of the other cottage yielded no further people who could be saved, the other guard and the occupants of the cottage far beyond help. Nartath began to move from house to house, gathering the wounded and those able to move and directed them towards the tavern at the party's instruction. As the party headed in the direction of the nearby animal pens, Nartath shouted to them "If you see any bears, don't hurt them!"...   Running across the fields towards the animal pens, the party healed a few wounds and prepared for their next battle. Charging in they saw a small collection of pens and buildings, a group of militia sheltering by a thick hedge trading arrows with two groups of goblins sheltering behind two wagons in the main pen. Gwanwyn's eye was drawn to a dark skinned woman with the militia as she launched magical bolts towards the goblins. Jakkar quickly sighted on a bugbear shouting orders and sent two arrows through his skull. A hail of javelins flew at the militia, a lone goblin falling to the return shots. Art saw another bugbear urging some goblins and their ogre muscle into attack from the east and launched a fireball to burst amongst them, the bugbear not even able to scream as he was immolated. Torban ran towards the low stone wall to the west and managed to stop the charge of the second ogre with a bolt of glittering energy. Dell took shelter by the hedge with the militia and loosed an arrow into the nearest ogre before watching as the ogre advanced and slew the militia man next to him, blood spraying him from the fatal blow. Snarling Solstice conjured forth a huge long fanged feline which slammed into the ogre by Dell, knocking it to the ground as it tore chunks from it. Gwanwyn launched magical blasts across the courtyard before looking in horror as two huge creatures lumbered across the fields towards them, two hill giants hurling rocks across the closing gap, narrowly missing the party as the rocks bounced across the ground. The goblins sent volleys of arrows into the massive sabre tooth, javelins also adding to the damage. Seeing the giants close Art sent another fireball from her hands, the burst burning the giants but not even slowing them down, but their goblin companions failed to rise again. Torban added to the magical assault by calling forth blasts of lightning from the sky onto the nearest ogre. Dell ducked through the hedge, cutting the ogre deeply as it fought the sabre tooth, and then backed off. As the militia mage retreated, her wounds obviously serious, Gwanwyn used his magic to step next to her, bidding her a charming hello as he sent more bursts of energy into the ogre before them. Jakkar hastily retrieved arrows from the ground and loosed them into goblins approaching from the east, ending the threat from two of them. The remaining bugbears advanced and killed one of the militia before wounding the sabretooth before a rock flew through the air, crushing the creature to death. A thunderous peal from Art saw the ogre by the hedge slammed backwards, the answering electric snap from Torban scorching the flesh of one of the giants before his concentration was broken by a savage blow from the ogre. Gwanwyn's next burst of energy ended the threat of the ogre to Torban, a burning hole in its chest as it fell. The dark skinned woman ran back into the fray, launching a huge burst of lightning into one of the giants, a bugbear between her and her target not standing a chance. Torban attempted to communicate with one of the huge creatures even as it swung its massive club at him. Gwanwyn watched in horror as the dark skinned woman was smashed to the ground, conjuring healing energies to stop her succumming to her wounds. Art attempted to conjure scorching bursts of energy from her hands but clutched her head as her magics deserted her, a blast of energy emanating from her and confusing her companions. Torban sent another powerful burst of energy into the other giant, a shout of anger from the one before him, apparently the two creatures were siblings. Solstice assumed her hyena form, the animal form more hardy than her robes. The last bugbear turned and began to run but the giants were driven by anger, not self preservation and smashed Gwanwyn, Torban and the dark skinned woman to the ground. Seeing their friend downed so brutally drove the party forward, arrows from Dell and Jakkar burying themselves in the skulls of the massive creatures, finally seeing them crash to the ground. Gathering around their friends, Art, Solstice, Dell and Jakkar managed to bring Gwanwyn and Torban back from the brink before Gwanwyn again healed the dark skinned woman, seeing her eyes open once again...     As Dell set about searching the goblin corpses for anything of use, Torban and Art entered one of the barns, finding two shepherds sheltering inside. Luckier than many of their wards the shepherds gave their thanks and headed towards the distant tavern and safety. Alas the other barn was a scene of devastation, the remains of animals and shepherds enough to make both adventurers heave a little. Meanwhile Gwanwyn introduced himself to the dark skinned woman with a flourish, she in turn introducing herself as Naxene Drathkala. Looking to the north the party were astonished as a large tree slowly ambled its way towards them, calling out that he would be there in a moment. Solstice was both fascinated and shocked, especially when the tree spoke to her. Introducing himself as Lifferlas, he spoke of his dismay at the attack of the giants and other creatures and how he was proud to protect the Goldenfields for the last three decades. He said it reminded him of his time battling giants in the past with his creator and friend, Fieryan. Solstice's shock intensified at the mention of her mentor's name, but her hopes were lessened when Lifferlas said he had not seen the old druid for many years, but that their old friend and comrade Turlang might have seen him. The three of them would often visit a favourite place in the woods near the Haarton Hold. He wryly warned that Turlang is a grumpy one, but that the three of them and Solstice share common cause as members of the order. Returning to the corpses, Art found some valuable items, a gold ring, a silver necklace and an ornate bottle stopper, evidently possessions of someone in the town and resolved to give these to Miros to enable their safe return. Torban spoke with Naxene and asked her about the bears they were warned of. She happily explained that the bears had come to town and had been seemingly adopted by the abbot, who she agreed to introduced them to.   Deciding to split up, Art, Torban and Gwanwyn returned to the tavern to lend any assistance they could there while the rest of the party went to meet the Abbot. Harvesthome Abbey is a huge, centuries old stone edifice, decorated in statuary to the gods and surrounded by ornate gardens of herbs, spices and edible flowers and fruits. By far the largest and most elaborate building in the Goldenfields, it took the breath of the party away, far surpassing any building they had previously seen. As they entered the portico two huge black bears charged towards, suddenly pulling up short and sniffing them. Anxious not to alarm the bears the party stayed still until Jakkar gently began to feed the bears. Sensing their trust, Jakkar generated a magical bond with them and spoke to Darlow and Tilbee, finding out that they had been driven from their forest nearby by some large creatures and had found their way into the town. When the locals began to feed them and some of the other druids spoke to them they decided to stay and help protect the town.   Grabbing the attention of one of the abbey's functionaries the small group was led in the direction of the abbot. Seeing an older human priest, still dressed in his nightgown and surrounded by a number of angry, shouting people, the party approached and were announced to the Abbot, Ellardin Darovik. Naxene joined in with shouts of derision against the guard captain and his lack of preparedness for the attack as the Abbot attempted to calm the situation and reassured the crowd that he would speak to the captain as soon as he could. Dell stepped forward and spoke almost insultingly to the abbot of his lack of awareness. Solstice spoke more calmly and related the details of the argument between Miros and Hantanus Tarm in the tavern the previous night. Dell then suggested that he speak to Miros. Solstice spoke of the attack on Lakeholde and the death of Lady Nandar. It was only when Solstice presented the abbot with a necklace of ears found on one of the dead bugbears that he became hostile and insisted that they leave. As the small group walked to the tavern Solstice and Naxene spoke of other small skirmishes in the surrounding farms against pilfering giants. Naxene lamented the dark day for Lakeholde which had happened.   The rest of the party had made their way directly to the Northfurrow's End tavern and on entering saw Miros and a young, female cleric rushing back and forth attending to the casualties of the attack. Torban commented that perhaps breakfast would have to wait as he lent his assistance to Zi Lang's efforts to help the wounded. Obviously short of temper but focused, she directed Torban to help some militia coming into the tavern. Her anger at the actions of the Captain was obvious, accusations of his drinking adding to her anger. As dawn approached the situation calmed a little and most of the wounded left. Zi Lang spoke to Torban, thanking him for his help and saying that should they ever find themselves in Eshnore they could count on the friendship of her family, House Thann, a family of vintners and traders whose name was familiar to Torban. Art took Miros to one side and gave him the objects she had found. He promised to reunite them with their owners if he could. Rooting around in a drawer Miros presented Art with a small wooden ring. Decorated with engravings of dancing nymphs, Miros said that it represented a favour from an old performing friend of his called Keltar Dardragon. Keltar had said on his death bed that all that was needed was to speak his name into the ring if you felt the need, but Keltar had always been a bit of a joker, so Miros had never bothered to do it.   Once peace finally returned to the tavern and the party was reunited they retired to their room to rest and tend to their own wounds...       Waking later that day the group returned to the main part of the tavern to a heroes welcome and a suitably heroic breakfast. Gwanwyn approached Miros as he cleaned the bar, raising the group's concerns about the Castellan (Hantanus Tarm) and Guard Captain (Strog Thunderblade) and their combined competence. Miros eyed Gwanwyn closely and told him to be careful with his words, Strog was both a friend and fine warrior. Gwanwyn then loudly announced to the tavern that the party was willing to track down the giants and punish them for the attack. Miros said that he would gladly supply them with whatever they needed if he had anything they could use, but they would be better speaking to the Abbot. Miros said that he thought the Abbot would listen as both Zi Liang and Naxene had both spoken to him. Torban enquired whether there had been any large shipments of stone passing through the town which only illicted an incredulous response from Miros as he pointed out the sheer quantity of stone in the town. He said that they could ask some of the masons, but doubted it would help. Miros said that the giants had come in from a badly repaired area of the walls to the south, the fallow fields in that area meaning that not as much attention was paid as should have been. Meanwhile Art spent some time looking over her new ring and worked out that it held a form of evocation magic but could discern nothing more. Unsure what else to do with it she put it on her necklace and decided to examine it further later.   Deciding to try and track down Strog, Torban made his way to the Goldenggulp brewery. Grabbing the attention of one of the workers, he struck a deal with the somewhat confused young man to see if the brewery could ship some hops to Darabin for him. The man's confusion seemed to increase as he questioned "Where's Darabin? Is it past Gadrin's farm?"   The party then made their way to the southern walls. A waved greeting reintroduced them to Nartath, whose family they had saved the previous night, and he pointed them to the walls above and the shapes of the Abbot, Castellan and Guard Captain. Nartath refused to be drawn on the subject of the Castellan and his competence, but said enough with his silence. Ascending the walls the party came upon a heated conversation between the Abbot and Tarm, the Abbot asking how the giants had gained such easy access. Torban leaned over the side of the wall, looking down and seeing a collection of crude ladders and pitons in the wall showing the easy route into the town taken by their assailants.   Gwanwyn took the opportunity to chastise Tarm, clearly stating a number of his shortcomings, from his developed paunch to his clear lack of understanding of basic concepts of guard duty. As Tarm's blustering protests grew into threats Strog could be seen behind him clearly stifling a smile. He further tried to justify his actions by saying that he had tasked men to clean up the mess and bodies from the night before. Seeing that Strog was clearly injured from the night's battles and had not yet sought aid, Torban healed the captain and then turned to Tarm, issuing a lengthy stream of insults to his competence. Just as Tarm looked ready to instigate violence the Abbot ordered him to leave. Restraing himself Tarm remained.   Talking with the Abbot, Torban and Art's attention was drawn to the splattered remains of several goblins and the strange contraptions which had been used to launch the goblins. The Abbot directed Strog to help the party join the militia's efforts to track the giants. Solstice asked the abbot about Lifferlas but he knew little of Lifferlas's life before he came to Goldenfields. Solstice then turned to Tarm and asked him if he actually had a purpose there. Tarm angrily called her a 'woodland creature' so Solstice listed his many mistakes and errors to the Abbot. As Tarm's anger finally broke the Abbot lost his own temper and ordered Tarm away from the walls. Following his departure the Abbot said he would consider a suitable punishment for Tarm's lack of action.   Descending the outside wall the party examined the strange goblin contraptions, Dell stating that it was not dissimilar to some of the devices they had in the circus. Torban decided to sit in one to see if he could work out how it operated. He found out shortly after sitting down when he was propelled some distance through the air and ploughed head first into the ground. Picking himself up he tried to make out that it was a deliberate act but no one believed him.   Deciding that it would be better to finish their investigations in town before pursuing the giants, the party ascended the walls and Solstice, Gwanwyn and Art made their way to see Lifferlas. Solstice apologised for her lack of questions the previous night. The old tree simply smiled. As Solstice related how the party had become aware of the 'The order' and their fight against the followers of Khadaris. At the mention of the evil mage Lifferlas became visibly angry, but was then saddened to hear of the fall of the Aedon Hold. He apologised for not knowing anything of the cursed stones. He reminisced about his time with Fieryan and Turlang during the giant war and how they had found some giant weapons near the Haarton Hold. Asked further about Turlang, he chuckled as he said that although they were both treeants, he was of oak and Turlang of willow. Apparently treeant humour doesn't translate into common very well. Asked about Zendelika he chuckled again and said he remembered her as a child. Finally Lifferlas told them that cloud giants stood on both sides during the war and that one named Zephyros was a good friend to him and others on their side.   Taking direction from Strog and some tracking from Jakkar the party set of towards a large tract of forest several miles away. Entering the forest they began tracking the giant's path of retreat. It wasn't difficult, the speed of the retreat had left a clear path of destruction through the woodland. As dusk drew in they saw signs of campfires deeper in the forest and carefully made their way towards them. Seeing that the campfires were in a large dip in the forest the party settled in place about 200 feet from the edge of the depression and Dell stealthily made his way forward to the edge and peered over. Seeing into the bowl he saw several injured bugbears and giants but his attention was drawn to one particular giant being shouted at by a man in dark robes. The symbols on the robes seemed to hurt Dell's eyes as he looked at them and he recognised some of them as matching those of the cursed stones they had delivered to Zendalika. The robed priest's acolytes stood by their master as he began to chastise the giant...     Dell observed carefully, hearing the raised voice of the robed priest. The crest fallen giant didn't argue back as the priest accused him of failing in his task to destroy the town and its supplies. Looking carefully over the camp Dell saw two other giants, a small group of injured bugbears, the priest's guards and two ogres guarding the entrance to the camp. At the rear of the camp he saw a small group of prisoners tied up. Making his way back to the party he related what he'd seen and a plan was slowly formulated. After discussing sending magical messages to the giants to confuse them, creating bubbles of silence or just throwing stuff they eventually decided to creep forward and at the signal from Art, to then attack in full force.   Making their way to the rim of the depression Dell peeled off to the left, getting as far forward as he could. Seeing that the enemy priest had moved to the prisoners brought muttered curses from several of the party and louder curses from the bugbears and ogres as the sound of Torban crashing through the undergrowth drew their attention. Seeing their cover was blown Art unleashed a fireball into the middle of the bugbears, incinerating a bugbear and one of the priests acolytes. The screaming of one burning bugbear was cut short by an arrow from Dell before he sent another arrow into one of the giants. Gwanwyn and Solstice combined their magics to attack another giant, before Torban called forth bolts of lightning onto the creature. Dell and other members of the group saw the priest seem to shimmer and fade into nothingness but could do nothing as one of the ogres charged the slope on which the party stood and was forced back by a thunderous blast of energy from Art. Jakkar nocked his bow and sent several arrows into the nearest giant who responded by hurling a rock at Gwanwyn, smashing him unmoving to the ground.   Dell loosed more arrows into one of the ogres as Solstice moved her moonbeam over the ogre and a giant, their flesh scorched by the radiant energies. Torban ran to Gwanwyn's aid, bringing him back to the realm of the living as Art unleashed more blasts into the ogre and giant who had run towards them, holding them at bay. Well placed arrow buried themselves in a giant as it crested the slope and charged towards Dell and Jakkar, before it slammed its club into Jakkar and Torban. Dell took aim at the furthest giant, injuring it further. Gwanwyn lent his magic to Jakkar's aid by sending whispered voices into the giant's mind, scaring the creature enough that it ran. The combined energies of Solstice, Art and Jakkar's arrows finally brought the creature down as Solstice moved her moonbeam from giant to giant, killing the one who had pursued Dell and injuring the lead giant before Jakkar ended its life. A savage blow from the last giant took Torban to the ground before Dell sent a killing shot through its skull.   Hurriedly healing Torban, the party set of into the camp, freeing the prisoners, including one woman who was particularly hysterical at the eating of her husband by one of the giants. Interrogating the prisoners revealed that they were a small travelling group of bards on their way to Isselion and had been abducted by the giants for food. Searching through some of the stolen goods on the camp's wagons revealed a strange collection of items which did not belong to the bards, including gold, silver, some finely crafted housewares, beer barrels, fine wines and a sealed stone sarcophagus!!

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