Kao Kao Character in Tor | World Anvil
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Kao Kao

Kao Kao

Kao was raised in a orc tribe by his father and didn't know his mother. His father raised him to be a warrior and not much else. All the training didn't allow him to socialize very much and he become very closed off. He was close with his dad and a slightly older orc named Raff. Raff taught him alchemy as well as the finer things in life (gambling, drinking, etc). Once they were old enough Raff and Kao left the tribe and started doing mercenary work. Gambling debt became a serious problem for Kao, while Raff did nothing but make money from it. The debt eventually forced them to split as Kao owed to much to pay and fled swearing to quit gambling. For a long time he was successful and did mercenary work, and still kept in touch with Raff. Until some muscle from the gambling ring he owed money to found him and beat him an inch from his life and threatened to end him if he was found again without paying. After recovering and some investigating he figured out that Kaff sold him out too earase a much smaller debt. From then on he has trusted no one and does whatever it takes to complete a contract and then burns the money on whores and booze.

competitive, serious, distrusting half orc who has given up on caring about or getting attatched to sentient creatures. Values loyalty and getting paid.

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neutral evil

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