Cults of the Others Organization in Tolcairn | World Anvil
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Cults of the Others

"I name and invoke thee, o Suffering! Grant me vision! Grant me power! Grant me-" - Isaac Burress, former High Priest of the Children of Suffering, last words
The formula is simple: anything of sufficient power, grandeur, mystery, or a combination of the three, will inevitably draw disciples of a religious bend, regardless of how twisted the object of worship is in reality. Such is the case of the Dark Pantheon of Others, for while they court no worshippers, they have nevertheless become the focus of devotion for a myriad of heretical sects. More often than not, these Otherial Cults begin innocently enough, being born of desperation as opposed to malice. A poor crop year, a bad investment, the loss of a loved one, it makes perfect sense to seek out a means to turn one's fortunes. The problems arise when the cults inevitably turn towards darker pursuits in their efforts to prove their love and loyalty to the Others they worship.   The Dark Pantheon is not known for being generous or benevolent and will demand more and more offerings when called upon. Destruction, kidnappings, even mortal sacrifices have been carried out in their names. Moreover, there is the ever-present danger of attracting the attention of additional Others, for if the proper ritual is not carried out when making contact with one of the Dark Pantheon, one's voice can reverberate throughout the Void to the point where all Others can hear it. Small wonder, then, that the Abbey of the Everyman considers the Cults of the Others one of the greatest dangers in the Empire, second only to the Others themselves, and will relentlessly hunt down any and all involved in such a gathering at the slightest provocation.
Religious, Cult

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