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83rd Year of the 2nd Confluent Era

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Editorial Team

What if the world was split in two and no one had any idea?   Across the sea from the settled continents of Fabeldyr and Altisia lies a recently discovered—and still unnamed—continent in the world of Toinen. Mostly unexplored, a few settlements have popped up on the northernmost reaches of the land on an idyllic peninsula known as the Loamy Cape.   The first settlement here was a town called Kalapa—and it’s the place where most new visitors and adventurers arrived. As the oldest settlement on the Loamy Cape, Kalapa acted as “home base” for most activity in this part of the world. A civilization of mechanical constructs calling themselves the Freeforged have also founded a city along the northeastern coast of the Loamy Cape. The city of Forgeland is now putting out advertisements for Adventure Tourism all over the known worlds.   Recent times have been tough, however, as forces from The Abyss seek to bring a Demonic Prince into the world. Every demon killed in battle seems to reappear in the enemy forces again within the fortnight. The adventurers’ only hope is to locate and recover a series of artifacts that can be used to defeat their enemies and close the Planar Gates once and for all…   It was this struggle that lead the Forgeland Intelligence Service to try something desperate and dangerous—the activation of an eldritch machine called a Phases Dimension Gate. This arcane device was meant to block the Abyss—and only the Abyss—from opening portals to Toinen. Instead, the device tore the entire multiverse into two identical copies, which immediately proceeded along diverging paths.   Welcome to The Divergence.