Romulus Settlement in Titan | World Anvil
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Romulans are predominately human, however there is no dislike for other races in this area. The city lures all walks of life with its business-centric core and wild outskirts.


Romulus is run by a mayor which is elected every other year. Due to constant corruption, a mayor seldom wins a second election, if they run. The only thing consistent about the government is a high tax rate. Government officials live like kings and the guards are well compensated.


Romulus has tall, double thick stone walls that are well guarded. It is said that the mayor could put together a small army using the town guard, but Romulus has never had a need for that.

Industry & Trade

Romulus has little in the way of trade, but the people of Romulus excel at turning one gold piece into two. The outskirts of the city is dense wild lands with plenty of predators, so furs are a major export for Romulus. Rumours have it that Romulus is where people bring dirty money to have it cleaned.


Romulus is known for its tall stone buildings. Their tallest building is 25 floors tall. It is not truly known what goes on in these buildings, as the common answer is "business." The roads are paved and the walls are made of stone.


All the buildings in Romulus are tall stone buildings. Each building has it's own art deco style to make it stand out from the others. The architects of Romulus wanted their buildings to be extremely distinct, which is why every building seems to have their own unique gargoyle affixed to the corners.


  • Romulus
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym

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