Dominion of Bolvikik Geographic Location in Titan | World Anvil
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Dominion of Bolvikik


The Dominion of Bolvikik was a large empire that encompassed a mountain range that acted as a natural barrier. The kingdom negotiated for extra land in 317AE to ensure their people could trade with the rest of the continent. This land was subject to many small wars and clashes since, but the land would return to the Dominion until its dissolution in 25,247AE.   The land inside the mountain range is home to many different locations in its small, wild area. To the East, there is a swamp, humid and hot, slowly encroaching on the land around it. To the Northwest, there is fertile soil and flat land, perfect for farming. The North and boundaries are rolling hills that become tall, jagged mountains, the tops of which are in perpetual storms. The uncivilized areas in the Region are dense forest whose vegetation changes based on the location. North of Titan, there is a large hot spring beneath the ground, which swiftly turns the tall, think treed forest into a dense, lush green jungle.

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