The Darkness Character in Tio Luma | World Anvil
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The Darkness

An ominious presense mentioned throughout all known scripture adn recordings. The darkness, an all consuming threat. It has never been talked iwth and reasoned with nor has its identity ever been revealed. It's presense first creeped up in remnants of history back in 3900BF. What has been confirmed so far is the corruption of any great hero or tragedy was due to the manipulation and corruption of the dark. Records hold it plagued eskar corrupting Anders the Mystic to warp reality and create the first Lich of the world. It then corrupted the Orc scientist Dunval to overthrow the Khan and take Eskar for the orcs. After that it laid dormant for years no mention of it has since passed into written record. There is legend that it appeared during the rise of mavaria and its undead horde. But anywhere a lie is toldm, a crime happens the darkness is there. Feeding off the energies of society corrupting and changing driving the world towards an unknown goal. This scrap of paper is believed to be cloest explanation given of the dark.
"Beyond the veil of the divine stands a throne thats lost its light. The embers fade the dark resides beware the entity that fills the light."
"I have been having visions. Something haunts my dreams showing me secrets, weapons, and my subordinates who are betraying me. I want to believe there not true but as I see them they become more and more real. I noticed today that black oil drips from the wall I can no longer tell the dream from reality."

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