Dumvast Tradition / Ritual in Tio Luma | World Anvil
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The Dumvast is a Rite of Passage that all Drakhians look forward to attempting. The Dumvast can be any number of things, but the most important fact is that it is a test to prove the metal of those who attempt it. One can not be considered a true member of the Emipre until they have completed their trial. The most well known way to complete this, and one of the hardest, is to enter the Labyrinth under the Tomb of Sylver. Those who complete the trial of the tomb, are generally held in higher esteem, earning places in leadership, offers to join the more elite groups of the military, or able to challenge leaders in towns. Other ways of completing the Dumvast are to kill legendary, or rare magical beasts, complete acts of strength, or climb high in the ranks of the Arena.   Those who fail their Dumvast, or never attempt it in the first place, will fail out of notoriety. They become part of the working caste of society, the Khajam, looked down upon by those who have proven themselves. The Khajam work as laborers, farmers, builders, and merchants. The lowest level of the military, will always be considered to be more worthy, and honorable than the highest member of the Khajam society. Because of this disparity, there is a whole different ranking among those of the Khajam, where riches are considered the primary value of worth, so Merchants generally reside near the top of this inner caste within the Empire.

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