Greenheart Settlement in Tinkering | World Anvil
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In this grove, which also serves as the capital of the Eldeen Reaches, Maggie & Ghanok met the archdruid Oalin, the awakened greatpine, who is the spiritual leader of the Reaches. They met Dusk & Dawn, and the leader of the warden of the woods. The Wardens of the Woods are based around greenheart, but all the druid circles of the eldeen reaches are seen to visit here. The children of nearby clans come into adulthood by seeking a blessing from Oalin, getting to know the history of the creation of Eberron.   The grove of the Archdruid Oalian, the awakened greatpine, is a place of great primal power. The Wardens of the Wood are based around Greenheart, but all the druid circles of the Eldeen Reaches send emissaries to Greenheart when they have important matters to discuss.

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