Timberfell Thysaer'os Cydai
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Thysaer'os Cydai



The rebirth of civilisation in Timberfell.

No more than 800 years ago, what is now known as the continent of Timberfell housed the germinating seeds of a nascent civilisation. It was the hardy, dependable dwarves who best weathered the war between gods and mortals, and within the Silverspire Mountains to the south-east of the continent, the dwarven clans built the subterranean kingdom of Brightstone. The proud clans were the first to reclaim the riches of the earth, and nestled in its safe embrace they founded expansive mines of rich metals and precious minerals, finding a prosperous foothold under the banner of the ruling Clan Ironforge.

Far to the north of Brightstone lived the elves. In the wake of the Cataclysm, the Elven Kingdom was cleaved in two when warring ideologies caused a schism in the ranks. A great many of the elves had sought shelter in the otherworldly peace of the Feywild, while the rest stayed in the Material Plane, united under the guidance of the great elven sorceress named Sylaise. The elves rallied to her both for her defiant will to salvage the remnants of the Old World and her compassion in the face of seemingly unsurmountable adversity, and it was under Sylaise’s wise rule that elven society once again began to flourish. She led her people southwest from the ruins of Aureum to the Emerald Pines, an untamed, fertile forest in the foothills of the Cindermounts born from the surging, post-Cataclysmic energies left behind when the dust settled. Calling themselves wood elves, Sylaise’s people began to construct a new bastion of elven culture in these densely forested lands. This reborn home was given the name Pren’hafan. Though open to settlers of any race, rumours that the Desecrator was of Elven descent had led to a general feeling of mistrust amongst the other races of Altiira, and so few made the journey through the Emerald Pines from the ruins of Aureum.

The new elven society came to call this land Thysaer’os Cydai— in their tongue, the Forests of Hope—and they refer to the continent of Timberfell by that name to this day.

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