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Tilasha was created by 10 gods looking to answer a question. Could they create life that could live here or were there other civilizations that could thrive, and could they coexist? The species that were born from the Planet developed into Tieflings, Haflings, Dragonborn and Bloodstones. The alien races that were brought to Tilasha developed into traditional Orcs, Elves, and Dwarves. The technology of the past has been lost and now lies in ruins of the desert due to not being able to upkeep them. Those who are left have been scattered into various areas on the globe. Most of the planet is now inhabited but still hostile. The wildlife does not allow for the advancement of smaller cities and constantly puts them at threat for extinction.   Humans arrive in around 570 AE to this planet, after having advanced developments in space colonization. They arrive to decrease the population overcrowding back on earth. The group sent to Tilasha arrives in bubbles in the oceans. 5 bubbles for different climates/continents. Originally there were 6 bubbles however when landing one’s trajectory lead it to land on the ground and out of contact with the others. They somehow avoid the Desert of Abandon. This leads to the human population that becomes integrated with those who live on land. Now years later in 600 the bubbles are still in the ocean and only house human populations but communication between the land and the bubbles is free, no one else wants to live there since the resources of the land outweigh the “safety” that is in the bubbles.   The world of Tilasha has always been a mystery, Even more so when humans arrive there, 30 years before The next predicted 'Entanglement'. How will they interact with the civilizations already here? How will everything play out when no one, not even the gods, know that this next Entanglement may be the end of the world?

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