Sahrushi Condition in Tierrhya | World Anvil
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Transmission & Vectors

One is most likely to be infected by Sahrushi if you are exposed to water. This is because the parasite (Sahrush) resides solely in water like conditions. For example in rivers and lakes they are often found near alge. Since the Azaadi are known to bathe in these public bodies of water, Azaadi women and men are sadly often the most affected. However, in rare cases Sahrush can also be found flying around lush green areas that are close to river beds.


The Sahrush parasite has hooks and suckers on their legs which grab onto the skin of its host. Sahrush often live in watery conditions and so usually tend to drift onto their victim. Their numbers increase during the summer time. As like most parasites, Sahrush enjoy being in a hot and humid temperature. A human's average body temperature is known to be around 37C thus this is a perfect host for the Sahrush.


  • A constant feeliing like something is moving beneathe your skin.
  • Skin irritation.
  • Sores which could occur from itching.
  • Headaches from blood loss.


  • If admitted to hospital you may undergo a procedure called 'Sahrushi Secura' where they use a suction device to get rid of the parasites. You will have to do this procedure on days 5, 8 and 20.
  • There are creams and lotions which you can use to help resist itching or help to relieve pain from these sores.


  • Sahrushi starts when a person exposes themselves into a large body of water, the older you are the increased chance of being a host.
  • The Sahrushi drift across the waters and hook onto you skin, digging deeper as they burrow between your wrinkles. You might not even know that they are there a first sight.
  • After the parasite matures (this takes about 10 days) they grow double in size and by this time it is clearly visible, appearing like black dots on your skin.
  • The Sahrush have a life span for about 20 days, however they do repoduce at a rapid rate so it is almost impossible to get rid of them without any intervention.
  • You are advised to visit a local hospital immediately once you see at least a spot or two under your skin.
  • The condition is not said to be fatal, however the victim is burdened with prolonged isolation and irritance.

Affected Groups

The group which is by far the most affected are Azaadi older women and men, mostly because they take pleasure in bathing in rivers and lakes. It is often said that the Sahrush have a soft spot for the wrinkly elderly though this has not been proven scientifically. Many say the parasites have more skin to hook onto in between the wrinkles of ones face and body. It is also been said that the parasite favours men instead of women because they tend to be taller and produce a lot of pheromones.


  • Sahrushi cases are known to usually increase when rivers and lakes have been largely unkempt or polluted. Sahrush also feast on decay aswell as blood causing them to repoduce quicker and grow larger in size. It is advised for all communities to look after their environment in order to reduce the growing population.
  • One should collect water from the river or lake using a container and not directly bathe in the river or lake itself.
  • It is possible to see a swarm of Sahrushi under water with the human eye, you should keep a look out for this.


It is in fact quite difficult to get this condition regarding human contact. One will have to purposefully pick out the parasite from their skin and plant it into someone else to allow it to spread. It is said that an ancient king called Jaal would have his prisoners infested with Sahrush as a punishment using this process.


It is not known when Sahrush had become parasitic, the Azaadi have believed that it has always existed ever since humankind layed their first foot on earth. In fact they even have a famous saying, ' Loyalty to a brother like Sahrush to man.'

Cultural Reception

Since this condition is very common amongst the elderly the public reception if someone were to ever have this condition is fairly decent. Although the host tends to be in increased isolation, this what we would guess to be normal since parasites can infest others. However the Azaadi population mainly do not see this condition as something too abhorrant and would rather turn the other cheek on this matter. They usually tend to be symapthetic to this condition because of their high respect of the elderly. Abled men and women are known to give in aid to the sick and unfortunate and hospitals are known to have quarters dedicated to just this illness.
Chronic, Acquired

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