Arborea/Arvandor in Thurlil | World Anvil
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Arborea is a small kingdom within the Margreve forest known by its native elven populace as Arvandor. Having once been a bigger kingdom the forest constantly makes advances on its territory. Arborea has a fey like quality to it, its populace mingle with Piney, Bearfolk and awakened animals. The great north road runs through the Margreve connecting Arborea to the Nordenland province of the Burach Empire. Arborea and Nordenland have a very close relationship when it comes to trade and magic. The taught ways of magic in Arborea comes from the school Alterria. The school is home to tritons that migrated from a crumbling home in the sea and a portion of the library. The school focuses on natural magics, moving away from magic that cause harm, specialising in divination and as of late healing with the school teaching druid and cleric magics as well as the arcane.  


    Arborea has been around long before the Age of Trax, some even speculating that the Archons originated from Arborea. Its absence from the world through most of recent history was due to its isolation within the Margreve forest, however this has resulted in the region avoiding the Age of Expansion. Arborea has seen its share of war, during the Age of Expansion a civil war erupted between kings of Arborea and the elves who condemned the kings for mistreating the forests old ways. The war lasted centuries, the long life span of elves and dwarves prolonging the conflict. Ultimately though the elves lost and would have been wiped from Arborea had Sehanine not come from the feywild and sealed their home in an impenetrable grove. Once time enough had passed and a new king sat on the Arborean throne Corellon emerged from the feywild and bartered the return of the elves, the king who had experienced nothing but peace among his people but an aggressive forest agreed. Sehanine and the now changed pallid elves emerged from the pallid grove. The king urged the two gods to take residence in Arborea and help advise him in undoing the damage done by his predecessors. The gods agreed.

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