Okraz Item in Throden Treskriri | World Anvil
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A magic spear wielded and forged by a Dia during The Grey War

  At first glance, Okraz is a spear where both the shaft and hear is pulled from the same one block of material. Despite looking rather stiff and brittle, almost like Ice, it is springy and bendy more like bamboo.
With a excessively wide and somewhat bulgy, yet deceptively sharp spear head and a red derogative gem embedded into the bottom of the head. It is a rather unassuming maybe a bit ridiculous looking Spear

  This Spear have something akin to a will or mind of its own and can change its shape to fit a myriad situations. While the Spear it self dose not seem to have intelligence or sentience, it dose seem to enjoy the thrill of battle and will connect with a wielder who too enjoys such thrills or have a strong desire to win a fight.

  Those who come to wield Okraz temporally, might find that it will reshape it self to be a weapon the wielder is more comfortable with or that it assists existing arsenal very well. But more permanent wielders, will over time, become able to reshape it with their will and even make it jump, fly or move almost as if controlled by elaborate set of marionette strings

  Okraz means water in the Common Dragon Tounge

  Won in combat by Ishi Rin, later gifted to his 634771th son Ishirin Ryuko.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Length appox: 2m

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