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Three Points A gothic supernatural drama set in a semi-historical world at the turn of the 19th century.

First, A Note on Historical Accuracy Though this game is set in a historical period and takes some inspiration from real locations and events, the game itself is not expected to be 100% historically accurate. After all, it's a game about moody and dramatic werewolves, vampires, and psychics. A little creative liberty is to be expected.   While we encourage people to bring in historically accurate elements when possible and appropriate, we're very purposefully keeping the date of the game vague. It's the early 1880s, but don't get too worked up if something comes up that wasn't invented until the 1890s or we reference an event that happened back in the 1870s as though it was current. We’ll include a section of established historical expectations below (e.g. whether there is access to telegraphs, electricity, etc.) and expand upon as necessary.   In addition, while we want to be sensitive to the historical challenges many groups faced in that era, again, this is meant to be a game and fun, so while we might play a bit with notions of class, we intend to avoid deep dives into the harsh realities of it, along with issues of race, gender, religion, or other social challenges that might have been prevalent at the time.   As a rule of thumb, if you're in doubt about whether to include something or not, ask and let's have a conversation about it.

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