The Dream of Being Organization in Threa | World Anvil
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The Dream of Being

The Dream of Being is a cult that originated in centuries past, when and where exactly nobody outside the cult knows. In fact, few in the world who are not a part of it even know of it's existence - mostly only scholars of the Tol Maran.   The core belief of the cult is that the entirety of existence is the dream of a powerful being, and that reality will cease when it awakens. Much as most believe that Qual'Doren is a reflection of our plane, they believe our plane is actually a reflection of Qual'Doren. They believe the Outsiders are merely the mortals of that realm, and that there is a being far greater than the Empyreals slumbering somewhere in the Infinite Sea of Qual'Doren.   They believe most acts of calamity or chance - events such as wild magic, three rolls of the dice coming up to the same face, or food spoiling early - are signs that his slumber is ending and he will soon awaken.    Early into the induction of the cult, this is the primary teaching - but as time goes on members are slowly manipulated towards nihilism, as the senior members of the group seek to bring about the awakening of "The Sleeper" to end all existence. They believe this life is cruel and full of pain, and that we would be better off if we ceased to exist.

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