Selmandren Organization in Threa | World Anvil
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Selmandren is the religion of the Mandrai.   Key Tenents:   * The Veiled One was a Mandrai who was chosen to ascend as the guardian of the well * The Selmandra were gifts from the Empyreals as a reward for loyal service. ** They are to be guarded and protected above all else. destroying one is akin to genocide * Preists (Selmandrai) should be protected by all - even enemies - except as a last resort * consider themselves equals of the netherime, and consider the netherzine as equals to the outsiders * respect the dragons, but keep their distance. they fear the dragons may repeat the the fall of the netherzine   practices * Selmandrai are forbidden from taking part in violence in any way. * they are generally forbidden from leaving their city, or even venturing far from their tree. * other mandrai are expected to protect the trees and selmandrai with their lives * selmandrai perform marraiges and coming of age ceremonies.   rituals memory transfer Upon death of a Selmandrai, the body is wrapped in white linens and tied to the base of their tree. If the body is still fresh, the throat is slit - otherwise another priest makes a sacrifice of blood to the tree. When the roots of the tree taste the blood, they emerge from the ground and pull the body underneath, where it is consumed by the tree. After several weeks, the tree will sprout a handful of fruit. The surviving Selmandrai consume this fruit to gain the memories of their fallen peer. Any extra fruit are destroyed, as none but a Selmandrai may taste of it and carry the vast memories.   weddings   coming of age ceremony occurrs once each year, for all of the same age range. your age is considered based on the year you were born, not what day.

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