Ebitog Port Settlement in Thraeldan | World Anvil
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Ebitog Port

A fishing village on the southern tip of the Brass region.


Mostly human population. Small halfling, dwarf , and elf presence.


Boat master Gilig is essentially the mayor of the village due to him knowing who comes in and out of the town. A large merchant presence is in the city mostly dealing in fish and seafood. Taxes placed on merchant sales, import and export keep the town afloat and is enforced by a local militia comprised of the permanent residents.


Small stone and treated wood walls line the perimeters of the town. The main road becomes stone-lined dirt road after exiting the town and is flanked by two small watchtowers that provide nighttime security for the outlying farms and a secondary, smaller wooden fence that serves as border for the grazing herds.

Industry & Trade

Marine creatures are the main export of the town and is known for the Ebitog Ray. It is caught here along with various other fish and crustaceans to be sold. The Ebitog Ray is most commonly served at the Telmar Resort as a delicacy but can be purchased here for much cheaper. Grazing herds of goats are kept in the surrounding lands and a few farms can be found growing small quantities of grain and hays to supplement the herds. Most other meats, vegetables and fruits are bought from the merchants that pass through. Most residents fish the sea to feed themselves and to sell and trade.


Merchant/main square and port. Port is on lower level than rest of the town. Docks capacity of 2 large ships and several small fishing and transport vessels. Medium to small merchant ships travel in and out. Small paved road leads in and out of the main square and to the east side of the city where the tavern and stables are. Tavern is located on the eastern side of the square and residences are located past the outer borders of the square. Small farms located on the outskirts of the town.


Tavern and inn located on eastern side of the main square but accessed on the north side. South side of tavern has a patio area that looks out over the docks. General store, stables for rent and housing of horses. A blacksmith compliments the stables and sells basic metalwork equipment. Various merchant stalls with fish, vegetables, fruits, textiles/clothing, pottery, etc. Small mill located on outskirts of the town near the farms.


Stone and brick are common though treated wood is also used sparingly as decoration on most buildings.


Located on the southern peninsula of the Brass region, the sea borders one side of the town and the rest is bordered by the grassy mainland.
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