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New oportunity of Fantastic Universe   Áthiärn is a planet, created by an alien and terrifying race, know as the Elder Ones or Shügghs (Real name unknow), were all life is inteligent, and other, savage creatures. Is a world, very inhabitated by, Humans and Elves, of different kinds. But other species lives in, such as, Orcs, Dwarves, Onis, Leprechauns, Kai'Anek, Caithrenim, Gnomes, and a large Etc. Humans are very technological advanced, politicaly endangered, and ambitious. And the Elves, are Spiritual, and magic, but very lovely, but also scared of their contact with other species. But, a very powerful, species, aparently extinct, are the Galeid. Humanoids, of fair skin, red hair and colorful eyes. This planet, is connected, to eight, diferent planets, from, a far divine tree, named, Yndraneiyl, secured by a masive tower know as Thurambuur. Each species, have, it's own languages, and words. Very diferent to our planet Earth.   The main story, is the point of view, of a little Galeid girl, named Annabeith or Annie. Who lives with her parents and older brother, in a far house of the forest, of the human country of Larstior. Annie, since she was a child, is the protege and scholar of the High elven Eldarin, queen goddess, Váirën, ruler of Thalediar an bringer of the Sun. Annie meet, in a magical school, were she is sent, by her master, to make friends, and help her, with a mercenary, named Skairel, a mortal human, of celestial past. Her new friends, and companions, are Adam, a half human half Vampire. Clare, a mage aprentice. Kevin, a boy who lover technology. Chris, a paladin, Elemin, a high elvish princess. Karon, a silver haired Kashu, Alice a girl knight of a noble and ancient house. And the last ones, Ryuruna, the dragon priestess, and her guardian, the draconian warrior, Sidhorus. They make a team of mercenaries, who's name is Valnys-Riemath. A group of heroes, who will battle the evil destructive creatures, the Ogres.   Annie, wil have a lot of adventures, she is the Chosen one, who will bring hope to the species. The title of my story, is Hope (Esperanza)   Heroes and villains, are very, and very much. But the story, is, make, of elements, and a great complex universe. And secrets and mysteries are, in all the angles, of the worlds.

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