Starkweather Settlement in Thilsand | World Anvil
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Modern-day Starkweather is a hub for magic and is home to several powerful witch and warlock families. While it currently has a smaller population of only about 5,000 residents (both in the village proper and in the surrounding woodland communities), it is currently experiencing an increase in population as more creatures are opting to re-settle in the area.


The population is mostly human (79%), with smaller numbers of halflings (9%), fae (5%), dwarves (3%), merfolk (2%), gnomes (1%) and pixies (1%).
  Since its founding, Starkweather has been a popular residence for members of the various magical species within Thilsand. It currently has the highest population of witches and warlocks of any other community, and is also home to a number of smaller fae. Historically, this is because Starkweather has never had an especially high elvish population. Without a high predatory population, many less physically capable species feel more comfortable settling in Starkweather. This also attributes to the second highest species population in Starkweather; the community is also home to a number of werewolf packs, although these individuals choose mostly to live in the woodland outskirts of the town. These packs are quite often at odds with each other, although their conflicts rarely ever escalate to a point at which they cannot be controlled.
  Currently, Starkweather is the only Vallumar allied-community which is not currently experiencing a dramatic increase in elvish population, which has made it an even more appealing place to live to other species.


Like many of Thilsand's major cities, Starkweather is quite isolated, being about a day and a half's walk to the nearest settlement. It is most similar to its sister-city of Shael Serin in terms of its geography and layout; Starkweather is surrounded by woodland while the most populated area of the community lies in and about the town square. Many of its inhabitants do live out in the woods, given there is sufficient infrastructure and roads which allow for this to be a possible living option without being too inconvenient or out of the way.
  Besides Vallumar, Starkweather was one of the only major locations in Thilsand not to be too terribly damaged during the Battle of the Dark Days. As a result, there is a mixture of new and old buildings throughout the community. Although Starkweather is not at all a religious community, its history means there are several small churches scattered throughout the town. The largest of which still serves as the town's community center, and community-wide meetings are still mostly held here to this day.

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