Seraphim | Thicket of Thorns


The Angels created by God are usually ranked into Choirs within The Host. The most divine Choir, furthest from humanity, are the Seraphim.   Possibly through a combination of nature and nurture, Seraphim both stive to be ideal individuals that are worthy of admiration and seek out commanding positions that require such people. They are leaders by default in any group of angels and might be considered the nobility of Heaven. However, even their fellow angels sometimes feel that this leads them to be very up-tight.   Being so far removed from humanity comes with the advantage of standing above any of its messier aspects. It comes with the disadvantage that they often have a very hard time understanding humans. For instance, humans might lie just out of habit. It might not occur to a Seraph that there is a reason why someone says 'good morning' when they, in fact, aren't having a good morning at all, nor wishing the other person one. They might assume, if not careful, that the person offering to guard their luggage for a bit wouldn't leave with it by the time the angel got back. This sometimes makes them hadicapped and they have to rely on human allies or more understanding angels.   Like all of their kind, Seraphim take on a Vessel, usually in the form of a human, while visiting the Foundation. They can't stay in their true form there for very long as a result of God declaring it the domain of humans.

Basic Information


In their true Celestial form, Seraphim are large dragon-like creatures with seven or more glowing eyes and seven wings. They shine with endless glory in a way that is very hard to replicate. Details on these broad description vary greatly from individual to individual. It always takes on a form that represents the specific angel's soul. There is no way for a Seraph to hide something significant about themselves in this form.

Genetics and Reproduction

Seraphim are created from scratch by Archangels, either as fully functional "adults" or as smaller angelic entities, Reliever,, indended to grow for themselves. There are rumours about different ways that angels might procreate, but The Host considers any such knowledge to be dangerous and heretical.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like all angels, Seraphim are able to hear The Symphony and determine things through it. They are also able to feel truths resonate within their souls. Then they concentrate, they are able to hear if what they see or are being told is true as far as the person knows. They can even hear the truth if it's hidden behind a lie or glimpses of the actual Truth even if the speaker isn't aware of it.

Alternate Names
The Most Holy

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Potentially infinite
Average Height
3 m (true form)
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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