Chalkydri | Thicket of Thorns


Some angels are tied to the elements of the world itself. They are divine agents of matter and energy. Throughout history, they have been mistaken for dragons, sun spirits, water creatures, and various other powers of nature. In truth, these are the members of the Choir known as the Chalkydri.  


The chalkydri are in tune with the principal elements of the world. This isn't the same as the fundamental forces as described by human scientists but rather symbolic perspectives on material reality. To a chalkidra, every sunbeam plays a magnificent opus, and rocks and stones sing even if no one is there.   When these angels harmonise with the surroundings, they are able to shape materials or even create or destroy some. Each individual is focused on one element at a time, though they can change it with a little bit of effort. Examples of elements are the classics in different cultures: air, earth, fire, flesh, metal, water, wood, etc.  


The material world is a fragile concept and must be supported by the willpower of those within it. When laws of nature as an individual knows them are broken right in front of them, their faith in reality is shaken. The more people subjected to this at once, the greater the danger is. The chalkydri are intrinsically bound to the material and their souls gain dissonant notes from such lack of faith. As a result, they risk their divinity by altering the physical world when they can't hide it.

Basic Information


In their true form, the chalkydri are dragon-like creatures with thick scales and plates covering their body. They seem to be made out of the elements they most feel a kinship with and give off light as from a gentle sunrise.


Pl: /xɑlkədtri/ or /ʃɑlkɪdri/
Sing: /xɑlkɪdræ/ or /ʃɑlkidræ/

Also known as
1st of the 2nd Order
* misattribution

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
3 meters (in their true form)
Related Ethnicities


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