Angel | Thicket of Thorns


Angels are the most common Elohim. They have a strong connection to how they perceive the world as music, calling this a Resonance. Each angelic Choir has its own such connection and are dependent on it in order to stay pure. If they stray too far from their purpose, they might Fall and join the Infernals as Demons.

The True God?

While angels claim to be able to feel the divine presence and the oldest say they remember conversations with the Creator through Metatron, there is no objective proof of God. As much as angels claim to be proof in themselves, other entities in various worlds make similar claims for other ways the world would work. No one has been able to prove their position. In fact, the proof that does exist seems to contradict itself.
  Even angels disagree with each other when it comes to how to interpret the details of various religions. Some, but not all, believe Jesus Christ was the son of God. Some, but not all, believe that Mohammad was a prophet directly inspired by God (especially since Archangel Gabriel did appear to him).Some angels stand by other religions as well. Most of them focus on what people do rather than their specific beliefs, however.

The Holy Choirs

There are seven choirs of angels, each with their own quirks and connections to the world. Their Resonance gives them a very absolute way of viewing the world, and have a had time accepting, or even understanding, any other perspective. Each of them is glorious and dangerous to behold.
    • Seraphim. The holiest of angels uphold Truth and Glory. Any Falsehood is an affront to God and must be exterminated. There are no compromises for divinity to shine.
    • Cherubim. Divine guardians, these angels will watch over the weakest as well as those most worthy of Heaven's protection. Don't confuse them with Cupids.
    • Thrones. The Chariots of God bring messages to those who should receive the Word. They are always moving, always ready to take action to defend the Divine. But they will also not allow anything to stand in their way. It feels immoral to them to not go through someone blocking their path rather than go around.
    • Dominations. As they aspire to the glory of God, these angels will always strive towards the bigger picture and will ignore the trees for the forest. This means they have an extraordinary sense go gauge what will benefit someone, but they are prepared to sacrifice anyone for the good of the many.
    • Virtues. Also known as the Malakhim, the Virtues will stand up for the Honour of heaven and cast down those who threaten it. Their judgement is swift and unyielding as they defend what is right.
    • Powers. These angels balance life and death. They can show mercy, or they might punish. What they can't do is bring the world out of this order.
    • Principalities. Leaders and influential individuals need to be guided themselves, and these angels are experts at planting seeds in someone's mind. This Divine Inspiration is subtle but used right on the right people, it can cause riots or end wars. Pushing too hard is dangerous and might hurt the angel.

      If an angel should ever Fall, they become a demon and part of their Legions.Each Choir corresponds exactly to one Legion and vice versa. The angel becomes a member of their counterpart and in the very rare case that a demon reaches Redemption, they become a member of their corresponding Choir.
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