Thiatus History of Thiatus Timeline
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History of Thiatus

The Elven Age

3000 EA 0 EA

The era of the Elves, before Humans organized into major powers

  • -30 EA

    -30 EA

    The Birth of the Twins
    Life, Birth

    The Holy Twins incited the birth of Elarion and Aragoth.

  • 0 EA

    The Founding of Aragoth and Elarion

    The Twins, Aragoth and Elarion each found their Kingdoms after the defeat of Elven powers in the areas. The founding of the Kingdoms was as much motivated by their competitiveness as the desire to rule.

Era of the Twin Kingdoms

0 EA 2500 TK

Modern age where the Twin Kingdoms hold power over the continent

  • 0 TK

    The Founding of Aragoth and Elarion

    The Twins, Aragoth and Elarion each found their Kingdoms after the defeat of Elven powers in the areas. The founding of the Kingdoms was as much motivated by their competitiveness as the desire to rule.