Lo-Kag Thuliaga Character in Thiatrel | World Anvil
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Lo-Kag Thuliaga

Lo-kag, sometimes known as “Runecrafter” to his tribe, is a large, even by goliath standards, gruff, and often somber man. He studied under the runesmith in his tribe upon Monthis Mountain. Growing up with his tribe he was taught the value of community and duty, with a healthy dose of competition. As he reached young adulthood it came time for him to prove himself to his tribe. He set out on a year-long journey, leaving his tribe and mentor behind. During his travels he honed his abilities, drawing on his rune crafting and martial prowess. Amid hunting and scavenging for food Lo-Kag occasionally took to hunting monsters, or men, for a price. While on a hunt for a particularly nasty displacer beast, he met Gabelle Sanguis, a fellow bounty hunter and a paladin of Lagdall. The two became fast friends, after an initial argument and fight over the displacer beast’s bounty. They traveled together for the better part of 9 months, catching bounties together and traveling the country, Gabelle always talking of lofty dreams of wealth and influence. The time approached for Lo-Kag to return to his tribe, when, amidst a strange eclipse, the world around him shifted. He turned to see his brother in arms holding a strange necklace, shaped like an egg with a screaming face, drop to the ground and drop his holy symbol. The eclipse lasted but a moment and Gabelle disappeared. Lo-Kag headed back to his village, only to find it burned and destroyed, his kinsfolk dead and missing. The embers still burned in the huts and lodges, and he found his family lying lifeless in their home, among the ashes of their belongings. Amidst their ruined home he found the egg shaped necklace once carried by Gabelle.

Half-giant runesmith and sword for hire. Pursuing an old friend turned sworn nemesis.

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