Anbutin Settlement in Thiatrel | World Anvil
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Anbutin is the capital of Marentis, home of the Council of Four, and main headquarters for the Marentian military. The city thrives on trade with a large port dominating the eastern quarter, and a wide variety of shops and trade throughout the rest of the city. Divided up into 3 sections, the city is made up of concentric rings, with the center being much higher than the lower. The lowest layer is on ground level and is referred to as the Roots. This is the largest sector of the city by far, made up almost entirely of housing and barracks. The middle sector is called the Trunk, and is about 80 feet higher up than the Roots. Accessed by stairways in various parts of the wall, as well as by large stone slabs moved by arcane means known as elevators. The Trunk is made up chiefly of inns, taverns, craftsmen, and other businesses. The city draws people from all over Thiatrel, creating an immensely diverse society. The highest layer is another 50 feet raised above the Trunk, accessed primarily by stairways with only one heavily guarded elevator. This layer is termed the Bough, and is the home of the Council of Four, as well as the highest ranking military officials and other people of great import.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City of Adamantine
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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