Therinyn Master Timeline Timeline
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Master Timeline

Era of the Divine

3000 2600

The Creation of the Multiverse.

  • -3000 ED

    -2999 ED

    Divine Convergence

    The Creation of the first 4 gods; Takhisis - Goddess of Creation, Istus - Goddess of Fate, Veleste - God of End, Tharizdun - The God of Oblivion. Were either born or brought into existence. It is with their convergence that the planet of Therinyn. A volatile mass of energy, with no real form yet.

  • -2999 ED

    -2960 ED

    The Shattering of Ether

    With the creation of the planet Therinyn, a strange source of energy collected known as Ether. The god Tharizdun thirsted for it's power, not wanting it's power to belong to any one god. The others agreed to shatter the source of power, sending it's energy scattering across the cosmos, bringing into life the different planes. Additionally, it created the gods; Mechanus, Ilsensine, and Lamashtu.

  • -2960 ED

    -2955 ED

    The Elemental Birthing

    Istus breathed into being from the elements the four winds, the four gods of the elements; Enki, Enlil, Kossuth, and Telchur. With these four gods were the four elemental planes created. It was with their first breaths were the lands and seas of Therinyn created.

  • -2955 ED

    -2954 ED

    The First Wave of New Gods

    The goddess of Creation, Takhisis created a mate for herself from a fallen scale. This god was named Apsurian. From three other scales came; Hlal, Null and Sardior. Lastly came the six divine, brought into existence to inherit their mothers new world. These six were known as; Anu, Marduk, Gilgamesh, Arazu, Cernunnos and lastly the last to be brought into existence, Dahak.

  • -2954 ED

    -2940 ED

    The Children of the Gods
    Life, Birth

    The core first mortal races were born.

  • -2940 ED

    -2938 ED

    A War between Family
    Disaster / Destruction

    Apsurian began to war with his son Dahak. Marduk and Gilgamesh began to feud on what was best for the mortal races.

  • -2938 ED

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    -2938 ED

    5 /1

    The Second Coming of Gods

    With the assistance of the goddess of fate, Anu was able to establish the celestial bodies of the universe, and construct the laws of the world. With the assistance of Cernunnos, Arazu taught the mortal races how to live off the land, and how to grow food. With the help of Marduk they began to learn how to traverse the lands, and create families.

  • -2938 ED

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    -2938 ED

    8 /1

    The Love of the Celestial Bodies
    Life, Birth

    As the sun and moon danced their playful game of night and day, the two twin gods Pelor and Sehanine found themselves falling in love.

  • -2938 ED

    9 /1
    -2938 ED

    10 /1

    Dreams of Inspiration
    Artistic creation

    Through the conjoining of loves and creation of families, from them came inspiration and want to create.

  • -2938 ED

    7 /2
    -2938 ED

    8 /2

    The First Murder
    Life, Crime

    Pushed by the god Gilgamesh, a mortal man by the name of Halastar killed his own lover.