Therenia The War of Blood
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The War of Blood

Military action


The Start of the War

The hobgoblins, steadily weakened by Edeirian encroaches and economic deficits from a diminishing slave trade, were finally moved to war. They were led by the vicious warlord Saltuk the Blood-forged, and attacked the north en masse.

They were accompanied by a massive construct of bone and steel capable of carrying scores of warriors and punching through castle walls, as well a small army of demons. Most scholars agree that the demons were a contingent of the Succubus Queen's forces.


The Role of the Exalted

The Exalted stood at the front lines of the war. Tamsin Toombs used her mastery of the earth to create a gaping chasm between the two countries and her mastery of the air to create great storms, slowing the hobgoblin encroach to a crawl. Meanwhile, Madrin Roz Nebula rallied the Church (who were still reeling from the loss of their archdeacon) to his side, and directed his many followers to help evacuate villagers in the path of the hobgoblin war machine. Kerah Firehawk led a group of her tribespeople into a series of guerrilla strikes against the hobgoblin's flank, while she convinced the dwarves to form a hard wall against the goblin incursion. Alethean battlemages teleported to Algieth to reinforce the city against the coming assault, and for a brief time the people of Edeir put aside their hate of magic to accept help from the wizards.

Further north, Jebediah reached out to his allies (including Amaya Sirocco) and began a hard ride south. Along the way he recruited a legion of cavalry from Heigarth, and two legions of halfling dog-riders from Rigayan. Amaya Chainbreaker and a horde of orcs met up with Jebediah in northern Edeir, and together they led an army of three nations into the combined demon-hobgoblin forces.

The battle was grueling, and blood of a half dozen races stained the plains of southern Edeir. The battle culminated with a climactic duel between Jebediah and Saltuk, where the hobgoblin leader fell at last. The allied armies broke the goblin horde on the plains, and routed them.



The hobgoblin's first strike came down on the 4th of Deepwinter (EU 1). The army was finally broken on the 8th of Deepspring of the same year.


Results of the War

The hobgoblin army was utterly devastated, and Kraac Glang defenseless. The Edeirian monarchy pushed for conquering the goblin kingdom. The Exalted instead insisted on protecting the sanctity of their borders

They worked with the restless slaves to abolish slavery in Kraac Glang once and for all. Further, to ensure that a war of such magnitude never happens again, they created a united governance with representatives from every nation. This governing body, the United Nations (overseen by an elder wyrm), set basic rules for human rights across the globe. They looked to countries such as Heigarth, the Seven Kingdoms, and Kerah's clanspeople as examples of diverse peoples coexisting and cooperation. They also set down the rule that the United Nations could never be overseen by any one country or religion, including and of the Ascended themselves.

As reparation, Kraac Glang was made to take in droves of the refugees that they had created, including the fey, centaurs, lizardfolk, and giants they had driven out centuries ago.