the previous world before the formation of the void.
What came before
Events lost in the shadow of time
The Prime elements emerge from the chaos of the void as some of the first beings in existence. With the powers of creation, they set about building a world unto themselves, each claiming their realm.
Jealousy emerges among the Prime elements as each watches the creations of the other grow and prosper in the world they have created. this jealousy eventually leads to the Primordial war.
the time before the seal
The reign of the Demon Lord
The world after the Demon Lord
The university of Feirtyre is founded. Small at first, it grows rapidly and gains a reputation for excellence.
For its centennial, the University of Feirtyre begins awarding distinguished alumni each year. The first year sees Darius (Eventually king Darius I), and Balthazar Avilius recognized.