The Magic System Physical / Metaphysical Law in Theliecre | World Anvil
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The Magic System

The Magic System of Map of the Woods is based on the utilization of magic energy. From a writing perspective, the system overall is between strictly soft and strictly hard magic. It has some rules, but some occurrences are unpredictable and uncontrollable.   The basic rules of the Magic System are as follows:
  1. Magic exists as a type of energy linked to memory. It is found naturally within the living, and remains in the body after death.
  2. While most living things may hold trace amounts of magic energy, humans and equivalents are the main beings able to utilize it.
  3. Since it is energy, 'magic' is performed in areas where the energy is concentrated.
  4. Magic requires a physical form in order to exist.
  5. The breaking of this form results in a dispersion of energy.
  6. While the uncontrolled dispersion of magic energy can create concentrated areas and therefore magic, symbols are utilized by magic users to create controlled effects.
There are also some limits to Magic and symbols:
  1. Magic must be learned. Although magic energy exists in all people regardless, learning symbols and concentration simply taps into the energy--otherwise, it causes little to no problems in a living vessel.
  2. Magic energy is something of a 'life energy'; using too much of it at once can be fatal, especially towards children or the untrained.
  3. As such, performing magic takes a physical toll on its practitioners. This can range from fatigue to unconsciousness to serious illness, and much in between.
  4. Simply writing a symbol is not enough; the magic user must be able to transfer and concentrate energy into their symbol with intent.
  5. Mental concentration and intent is vital, especially in larger symbols. Breaking mental concentration breaks energy concentration.
  6. Creating an ongoing effect does not require concentration constantly after the start, but still drains a person's energy.
  7. People cannot be brought back to life using magic, nor can people be controlled to an extreme degree (such as bloodbending from Avatar: the Last Airbender or mind control).
  8. Symbols work better with more vague effects, rather than highly specialized ones. (For example, it is easier to make a symbol to start a fire than one to set specifically a tree on fire)
  9. Creating new symbols is possible, but there are specific shapes and forms that manifest magic specific ways, though this is not fully understood. (Think of it like a language or creating an equation)
  10. Certain magic abilities need other materials, though not as much as non-magic processes. (Summoning fire requires oxygen, for example)


Without a solid physical form, concentrated yet uncontrolled magic energy creates location ghosts (energy is only fixed onto the land), or personal ghosts (energy is latching onto the living to manifest).   There is also a small system of power-naming--while specific powers and symbol use vary from person to person, they are mainly categorized as follows:
  • Heat
  • Liquid
  • Wind/Gas
  • Connection (With a few types listed below)
  • Plantlife (connection to plantlife)
  • Animal (connection to nonsentient-animal life)
  • Boost (connection to one's body)


Most living things contain trace amounts of magic energy. Typically, when an organism dies, the magic stays in the body and is unusable. However, in Nueven, the magic of the dead has managed to 'bleed out' into the land and create ghosts out of their memories. Nueven is currently the only location where this is known to happen.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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