Orude of Salamaris Character in Thelgiond | World Anvil
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Orude of Salamaris

Orude of Salamaris (a.k.a. Oru)

An elderly, generally friendly and tranquil monk woman, who carries the tiniest shard of Bahamut's soul with her since the dragon god healed her for standing up against the corruption of the Cult of Tiamat.

Physical Description

Special abilities

When her HP are dimished below a third of her total health, her draconic abilities kick in and reduce the harm she revieves and dishes out for a certain amount of time, smiliar to the rage of the Barbarian class.

Apparel & Accessories

Small, elaborate golden clasps in her longer side braids, which are the only pieces of jewellery she wears.

Specialized Equipment

Her most treasured posession is a bright red-shelled egg. She has suspicion about the kind of creature inside, but not certainity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orude spent most of her life as a disciple of Bahamut, the dragon god of life and war, living a quiet, withdrawn and ascetic life in the lair of one of his scions- yet she was never truly lonely, because she was granted the precious gift to listen.   Oru's original Order, resident in a small mountain town named Salamaris, was gradually undermined and burned to the ground by Cultists of Tiamat. No prisoners were taken that night, yet she and a small group of adeps kept fighting against the futility until with a madness and fury that grieved Bahamut, and he could not suffer the desercration and suffering caused by his arch-enemy, for he had been strictly non-interventionist. He picked one young woman and healed her lethal injuries, using his life energy and in the process - wether it was intentional or not isn't known to Oru - a tiny shard of his soul latched onto hers and gave her the abilities to understand the language of dragons, and more, learn to think like them.   At first, she attempted to return to the site, riled and mad by grief, but in time learned that it was done, and with the years gained the understanding that with that attack they sowed the seed of their own destruction, forging in flames a very powerful enemy.   When her protector had to leave on an important matter, she set out therself to weed out and fight down the corruption spread by the Chromatic beasts, but not by the violence that was done unto her. Now able to keep her anger and fury in check, she planned. By assembling a small order and sanctuary of other dragon-touched, working together with remnants of the Platinum Cadre in Thelgiond, her mission would be to undertake an annual period of travel where she helped the small folk in the name of the silver dragon, looking for the seed of Tiamat's corruption.

Gender Identity

Female (cisgender)


She could be Asexual, but I'm rather not sure on this matter. Maybe she had enjoyed sex as a young woman in her Original Order, but after her life so profoundly changed her just didn't include a desire for sexual / romantic relationships.





Accomplishments & Achievements


Failures & Embarrassments


Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics




Personality Characteristics


She wants to weed out the corruption spread by the cultists of Tiamat, and help the smallfolk and downtrodden whenever she has the resources to do so. Silver dragons are 'the friends to the small.'

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes dishonesty and mystery. She wants to be clear about the stakes.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is generous and empathic towards those who didn't draw a lucky lot in live or are victims of the circumstances Doesn't mind hard physical labour

Vices & Personality flaws

In terms of morality, it's increasingly difficult for her to view events in shades of gray rather than just black and white; her focus on a specific goal makes her lose eyes for the detail She is friendly towards strangers, but it takes a proof of trust until she really considers sobebody as a friend

Personality Quirks

When in thought, she often stares / focuses her gaze on people, which could come across as eerie


She keeps up the standart hygiene, but after long days of physical labor sometimes forgets to wash up. She never goes filthy purpose. Being used to an ascetic life, clean and especially hot water to her is a luxury more than jewellery or trinkets.

An elderly, generally kind and tranquil monk woman, who carries the tiniest shard of Bahamut's soul within her since the dragon god healed her injuries from standing up against the corruption of Tiamat's cult.

Character Location
Current Location
Virvost Harbour
View Character Profile
Neutral Good (Leaning towards Chaotic Good Scrupulous (Palladium Alignment)
Date of Birth
530 E?
dark brown, almost black. Her pupils change to bright blue when her draconic abilities surface.
Silvery grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium brown
1,66 m / 5'4 ft
60 kg / 132 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Before a battle: Through gloom, despair and shadowfall his watchful gaze protects us all with claw and tooth and armored scale against the dark we shall prevail.
Known Languages
Common, Draconic

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