Tatzlwurm Species in Thedastria | World Anvil
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It’s as big as a house, it can tunnel through the earth, and it can fire a poisonous mucus that is going to ruin anypony’s day! It’s the tatzlwurm and the only consolation is that it generally lives very far away from ponies, thought that isn’t to say that it won’t take to opportunity to gobble a few up it they should venture too close. Tatzlwurms are solitary creatures as they find the vibrations others make infuriating, much preferring silence and solitude.  
Now remember, walk without rhythm, and we won’t attract the worm.
— The Mare’dib

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Body Mind Charm Stamina
d20 d4 d4 24




  • Animal
  • Hungry

Ecology and Habitats

  • Lives far away from ponies
  • Prefers silence and solitude

Dietary Needs and Habits

  • Likes the occasional pony that wanders too close

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Feels the vibrations in the ground
Average Height
As big as a house
Related Ethnicities

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