Alviss Aeducan Character in Thedas | World Anvil
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Alviss Aeducan

Prince of Orzammar Alviss Aeducan (a.k.a. The Imp, The Dwarf of Diamonds, The Second Son.)

His name is Alviss Aeducan forged from the fires below in the City of Orzammar under hearth and home within the Diamond District, and more specifically within the Royal Palace. It is here where Alviss has lived, in comparison to most, a very comfy and luxurious life in which he has spent it doing exactly as he wishes. Surprisingly he spends alot of his time reading books on the histories, the legends, and other such tales of his people and of the people that dwell above... constantly interested in the comings and goings of travelers. Other times, and less surprisingly, he enjoys the company of women, men, and wine overflowing his cups. It is not surprising to hear the rumors of orgies and other entertaining parties that take place around the city with the very gracious host going by the nickname of "The Imp" who also just happens to be a minstrel of sorts developing a new and heavy type of music inspired from the sounds of the depths below in the deep roads and beyond. Who knows what the world of Thedas might have in store for this short yet very entertaining man- and the adventurers that might await him, for only time will tell.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alviss is a stout and burly man, which to other dwarves is quite an average physique, he drinks his weight in wine, mead, ale or spirits of any kind really- mostly wine though. He's compact and muscular but seems to have a smaller frame then most.

Body Features

Alviss is shorter than the average dwarf, however that hasn't slowed him any, he seems to also be well-built for his size with smaller yet herculean frame as his torso seems to be a bit bulkier than his lower body.

Facial Features

Alviss is quite the handsome figure and certainly knows so as he doesn't shy away from reminding people, he happens to have a small tiny tattoo of a heart on his cheek that looks very similar to a small mole. His hair is a fiery red with white streaks at the center and seems to be flared up like a flame under warm camp fire. He mostly keeps it in a topknot of sorts but there still seems to always be a slight swirl that pops out. His beard matches that of his hair and is double braided into two long braids that go down to his belt whilst his moustache is long, thick, and twirled outwards . His brow is thick and bushy and oftentimes gives him a very animated appearance. His nose is shaped like a bulb and protrudes outwards past all of his facial hair whilst his ears pop out from underneath his hair and remain quite squared.

Physical quirks


Prince Alviss Aeducan, Second Son to the King, and a proud dwarvish minstrel. A dwarf, he uses his wit, his intellect, and most important his charisma to overcome the challenges he faces from one and all.

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Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
18th of Solace, 9:05 Dragon
Hazel Green
Ginger with Streaks of White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rosy White

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