Ghilan'nain Character in Thedas | World Anvil
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One day, Ghilan'nain came across a hunter she did not know. At his feet lay a hawk, shot through the heart by an arrow. Ghilan'nain was filled with rage, for the hawk is an animal much beloved of Andruil. Ghilan'nain called upon the goddess to curse him, so that he could never again hunt and kill a living creature. Ghilan'nain's curse took hold, and the hunter found that he was unable to hunt. Ashamed, the hunter swore he would find Ghilan'nain and repay her for what she had done to him. He blinded her first, and then bound her as one would bind a kill fresh from the hunt. But because he was cursed, the hunter could not kill her. Instead he left her for dead in the forest. And Ghilan'nain prayed to the gods for help. Andruil sent her hares to Ghilan'nain and they chewed through the ropes that bound her, but Ghilan'nain was still wounded and blind, and could not find her way home. So Andruil turned her into a beautiful white dear - the first halla.
— Ghilan'nain: Mother of the Halla
  Ghilan'nain is called the mother of the Halla - white deer-like creatures revered by The Dalish and used to pull their aravel - and goddess of guides and navigation.

Divine Domains

Guides, Navigation

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ghilan'nain's sacred animal is a halla. Constellation "Equinor," referred to as "the Stallion" in common parlance, might have been associated with the goddess.
Divine Classification
Elven Deity

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