First Enchanter Rank/Title in Thedas | World Anvil
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First Enchanter

First Enchanter is the title given to the head of a Circle of Magi. The First Enchanter is seen by apprentices as a father or mother figure, and an ambassador of peace to the templars by the other mages.


A First Enchanter retains their position for life and reserves the right to appoint a successor should the first enchanter perish or choose to retire. This decision must also take into consideration the opinion of the templars. Eligible for this position are the Circle's Senior Enchanters. If there is no successor, the Knight-Commander appoints one, usually with the approval of the Circle's mages. A First Enchanter is usually someone who is respected by all mages and usually the templars too, and he or she is not always chosen based off their power and abilities.


A First Enchanter officially has a broad range of powers. Their permission or consent is needed:

  • for a mage to leave the tower;
  • for templars to summon an apprentice for the Harrowing;
  • for templars to make a mage Tranquil;
  • for templars to move overtly against a Circle mage suspected of practicing forbidden magic.


First Enchanters establish the price of goods and services that the regional Circle of Magi provides. It is assumed that First Enchanters also manage the Circle fortress' finances. However, the extent to which templars allow a First Enchanter to exercise their power varies from tower to tower.
Magical, Professional
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