Amaranthine Geographic Location in Thedas | World Anvil
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Amaranthine is an arling that spans along the sinuous northeastern coast of Ferelden.


The Waking Sea is known for its temper, and the storms that sweep in from the warmer northern waters are sudden and brutal. Rising above these turbulent waters is the City of Amaranthine—once a modest fishing village, now an important and prosperous port city and a center for trade in northern Ferelden. Hardship and adversity, like the storm-tossed waves of the Waking Sea, have assailed Amaranthine time and time again, only to crash and break upon her walls. The people of Amaranthine survived first the Orlesian occupation, then the sacking of the city when the Orlesians departed. They know one thing for certain: the city will always stand as a testament to the strength and steadfastness of the Fereldan people.
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