Yarha Settlement in Theana | World Anvil
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The Capital of the Ryna Province. Known for its towering structures and grandiose architecture, this place is full of the highest-class of all the races.


High class, high wealth, high ego


Typical election style voting, but more favored towards the higher class and socialites rather than the average Joe.


High Walls with watchtowers protect the city from anyone who tries to enter the city without paying the toll.

Industry & Trade

Mainly a city of wealth, where the rich go to live. No true source of income other than the heavy tax and the entry fee.


Tall buildings, large shopping district, brick roads, massive citadel in the center that holds the jail, courthouse, guard house, and also holds the Church of Gheara.


Much gold and wealth litter the city, but they do have stores for many different needs. Everything you could ever want is here, at insane prices.

Guilds and Factions

The Church of Gheara


People tend to go there to see the fantastical architecture and design, including the tallest building in the Ryna Province, The Sky Spire. Devout worshipers of the Gura also travel there to lay their loved one's souls to rest.


Laid in an inlet of land in a spiral surrounded by nearly all sides by the ocean.

Natural Resources

Nearby mountains tempt the city to begin sending miners to find more riches.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Gold
roughly 350,000.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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