Theanian Guide to the World in Theana | World Anvil
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Theanian Guide to the World


Theana is a somewhat magical, decopunk world. Decopunk means that the feel of it is around that of the roaring 20s, with an emphasis on visual aesthetics. Think of swing music, slim dresses, and massive boxy technology. Except tech is not widespread, isn't advanced enough to have tv, and the only ones living the high-life are in cities. Most people live out on poor farms, struggling to gather enough funds to sustain themselves and their little village. They barely have food on their tables twice a day, let alone have enough to keep up with the newest trends and technologies.

Consisting of multiple countries among the wreckage of a world, wars and borders threaten to break the fragile world more than it is now, if that's possible. The world is very diverse, with multiple countries focusing on different niches just to survive; the Wrami Republic and their Warforged, the Kora with their water-based people and society, and so on. But despite all the wars, all the violence and bloodshed, everyone just wants one thing: to survive in this post-apocalyptic world.

Of course, post-apocalypse in this case doesn't mean nuclear fallout, zombie apocalypse, or anything like that. I'm referring to the world of Theana itself being broken, causing everything from earthquakes to tsunamis, from nature lashing out through plants to creatures running amok. It seems that this world, while it is somehow managing to survive and advance, might take some help to truly thrive. 

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