Rappan Athuk Building / Landmark in The Zone | World Anvil
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Rappan Athuk

The Tale of Rappan Athuk

  Come, come my friends! Take a seat by the fire, yes? Get yourself warm on a dreary night like this. Here, have a piece of this bread, and a swig of this moonshine. Ahh, that’s right, get yourselves comfortable, and listen as I tell the tale of Rappan Athuk. Over a hundred years ago, the City of Rappan; ‘The City of Kings’ was a thriving, buzzing metropolis, famed around the world for its great wealth, culture, and military power. But most of all, it was a city of immense technological and magical prowess. The very scope of its advancement no one can say, but many people speak tales of flying machines, fonts of flowing ambrosia, metal strong enough to split stone walls in twane.   Then one day, everything changed, yes? What happened exactly? Was it a conquest by a rival, jealous for power? An internal upheaval, a civil war? Or something more...alien? Who can say?   When the people of these lands saw it again, it was a dessicated husk of its former self. Lifeless, dead, we thought. But slowly, as adventurers and opportunists entered the ruins, they came back...changed. Some would not speak, others became empty and distant. A fair few died of unknown afflictions. But those who did speak told astounding tales of bizarre creatures, walking dead, and horrific, dangerous traps, that made the ruins a deathtrap to those unprepared.   But they also spoke of treasure. Mountains of fabulous wealth, gems and jewels of incredible value. But most of all, objects that had strange, incredible powers. These artefacts quickly became the desire of nobles and rulers around the world, who lusted after their abilities. Scores of treasure hunters arrived from every corner of the lands, searching for the fable lost wealth of Rappan. For every party that entered those ruins, 10 more never returned   This has been how it is for the last 100 years. Parties enter, and those that do not perish take their bounty, and leave again. Some journey deep down, finding new and even more treasure and horror, while others comb the outer levels over and over, which never seem to run out of monsters, traps and loot, despite this. Indeed, the countless corpses of those who came before add to the dungeons bounty more often than not.   But there is one party that all who enter have heard of. For they brought back with them a tale of the greatest treasure of all. The wishmaker. A stone, in the depths of the maze, that grant any wish to those who can reach it. None have yet to find it, but ask anyone in the zone, they will swear they have felt it, pulling them to it. Some adventurers recall battles with bizarre cultists, who insist that they must protect the wishmaker from anyone trying to take it for themselves.   But enough of that for now my friends. It has been a long day, and there is much work to do tomorrow. So long, and remember; “Don’t go down the well’
Alternative Names
The City of Dead Kings, Dead Kings, Kingdom of Death, Heart of Zone, City of The Zone
Parent Location

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