Great Lake Settlement in The Zone | World Anvil
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Great Lake

A town built on a giant salt lake in the Zone.   The odd location of this settlement is owed to the fact that the Lake itself is completely devoid of any animals, or constructs. It is thought that perhaps the salt itself wards away such creatures, or maybe the lake is on top of some artifact that drives them away. Whatever the case, this town is a safe haven in the otherwise deadly Zone, and as such is one of the largest settlements.   Food production is a constant issue however, and with no close access to fresh water the settlement relies heavily on external trade and internal foraging parties. Due to this, visitors are required to bring a gift of water or food before being allowed access to most of the town.   Visitors are still allowed into the slum area, where some stay indefinitely, but the are generally expected to go gather or otherwise acquire the food or water to allow them access.


Primarily human, there is a large minority of half-elves in the City. Also prominent are Kasatha, who find the desert-like environment almost comforting.


Governed by Mayor Volsti. The foremost concern of the Government is the continuation of Trade, as the city is constantly in peril of famine and drought, due to the remote location.


The Location of the City is enough to deter many potential attackers, including monsters of all kinds. The biggest threat the City faces is if the trade route is cut off by Molthune, forcing food supplies to be gathered from the Zone, a slow dangerous and inefficient task.

Industry & Trade

Main production is salt, mined from the lake. Also produces large amounts of salted meat, due to the abundance of salt. Molthune continually demands more for less from the Independent City, driving the city to effectively use slave labour to gather enough salt to meet the demands.


Almost all the buildings in Great Lake are made out of hardened salt bricks, made from the Lake itself. This makes much of the City blinding to look at, and so many residents wear darkened goggles during the day.

Guilds and Factions

The League of Ice. Salt Merchant's Guild Zone Independence Association.


Similar in style to Kelesh architecture, due to the original founders being Kelesh mercenaries sent by the Emperor to investigate the tales of treasure. The salt desert was chosen as its remote and seemingly lifeless environment proved to be a perfect base of operations that was unlikely to be discovered by rivals.


A huge, dry, salt lake. The lake is completely devoid of flora and fauna, as well as anomalies.

Natural Resources

Alternative Name(s)
Salt Lick, Lake Town, Dry lake
Inhabitant Demonym
Salt Lickers
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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