Rakmal the Flameseeker Character in The Zesty Realms | World Anvil
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Rakmal the Flameseeker

Fang Rakmal (a.k.a. Spark)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I don't remember much about of my childhood besides slavery, just that once we were traveling in a caravan full of pearls and gems from some slave sale that comes every year only three of us left that didn't make the cut again, a blast destroyed the cart I was traveling in and threw me back. When I recovered my consciousness I saw it, a golden dragon eating the gems and pearls like candies, I looked around in fear and saw most of my masters incinerated... I attempted to run and a deep voice bellowed "Stop right there little one" it shocked me and stunned me in fear. I turned around and all I saw were some golden whiskers moving around and a breath of fire consumed me....   All I felt was warm and comfort... some inner peace filled my body and inner spark of energy lit in me... I opened my eyes and the dragon still in front of me but there were no shackles on my hands and feet, my scars and wounds from the cold steel disappeared... and the dragon replied "go on, you're free now" and turned around and kept munching the gems. I traveled for some years looking for a place to settle and one year after joining the ranks of the Zhentarim I found myself in front of an extraordinarily skilled rogue, so I asked if she was interested in joining us and surprisingly she accepted.


Religious Views

Waukeen, Goddess of Trade
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Flameseeker, Fang
Deep bright golden
Orange with Grey accents
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish, Infernal, Primoridal

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