Rain of Autumn Character in The Zesty Realms | World Anvil
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Rain of Autumn

Fang Rain of Autumn (a.k.a. Rain)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rain of Autumn grew up in a smaller Tabaxi Clan than normal called the Far Mists Clan. When she was old enough, the clan made her a hunter, which Rain took a quick liking to and soon became a great asset to the clan. However, as time went on, Rain started to like hunting just a bit too much. Instead of going with a hunting party, she often went by herself. She quickly learned the art of stealth, stalking prey and observing from a distance before striking, and often toying with the animals before killing them. This more violent behavior started to bleed into everyday life as Rain became more secluded, training herself in her free time. Eventually, the more aggressive and feral-like nature of Rain was noticed by the clan and especially her family. Her parents attempt to approach her about the subject, but an argument ensues. After little time had passed, Rain had attached her mother, swiftly killing her on instinct. In somewhat of a shock, Rain ran away from the clan in fear of punishment, and to prevent anyone else in the clan from further harm. After some time, Rain found herself in a poorer town. She soon found that stealing from the townsfolk would be her best chance for survival, and with the skills she already had, she was stealing with ease. She took her time observing the people, memorizing their schedules and mannerisms. The instincts she felt, however, did not die down. Whenever approached, she would remain on edge. Any time she felt threatened in any way, she attacked. Oftentimes, the untrained townsfolk fell quickly to her claws. Years pass as Rain travels from town to town now with her small collection of weapons for protection. She meets a Sorcerer who looks strangely like a Tabaxi like herself, though he claimed to be partially Rakshasa. The Sorcerer, named Rakmal the Flameseeker, seemed to see some potential in her and asked her to join a faction called The Zhentarim where persuasion seems to be key. Thinking that participating may help calm her feral instinct, Rain agrees and starts to travel along with Rakmal.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
1463 DR 28 Years old
Cream with brown fur
130 lbs
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Undercommon, Thieves' Cant

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