Helana Wranvaris Character in The Zesty Realms | World Anvil
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Helana Wranvaris

Helana Wranvaris

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Helana was born noble in a rare city of half-elves, Esteltas - a safe place for half-elves, a place where they are accepted and respected.   Growing up she felt a strong connection with her ancestors both humans and elves. Her ancestors taught her that outside the walls evil exists and people die every day because of that. She felt the need to help so she began intense training. Rapidly she masters the shield and the sword. Now trained in the ways of combat she was ready to go beyond the city and fight for others. Her family did not approve of the choice she made. The council put a condition on her return to Esteltas - she returns as a hero or never returns at all.
Current Location
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Celestial, Infernal

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