Barack'O Character in The Zesty Realms | World Anvil
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Mental characteristics

Personal history

5 years ago Barack was deadly injured and poisoned after an encounter with a giant snake-like creature, Barack manage to kill it and do his way back to the main road that crossed The Forest of Neverwinter, laying down agonizing on the side of the road Barack manage to notice there was a little creature treating his wounds and make him drink a herb-based antidote, he later notice it was a human child and he asked for a name, "Aether" and "traveling south" was all he could understand as he was hallucinating from the venom, he woke up days later when the fever was gone, the bright white ash at the bonfire tells that it was lit the night before. But no trace of his savior. He spends the next 3 moons recovering from the incident and made his mind that he was going to find his savior and pay back the favor.
Current Location
Year of Death
1491 DR
Circumstances of Death
slain by a qwyllion in Anauroch
big old mustache, waxed daily
Quotes & Catchphrases
Aligned Organization

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