Session 7 Report in The Yearning Isle | World Anvil
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Session 7

General Summary

The session began with the start of Dad Merchant's watch, and as that watch drew to a close, the party found they were lucky that he offered to keep an eye out.   The party, and the friendly merchants they met, were attacked by Wood Woads and Vine Blights, though the reasons why remain unknown.   After the fight, the party finished their long rest, and spent the rest of the session pursuing downtime activities, with Kallo and Leon brewing potions. They eventually decided to test them by diving to the bottom of a mysteriously deep pond, and finding an intensely warded, and inhabited, cave, whose owners obviously didn't want the disturbance. After taking a fair amount of psychic damage, the two adventurers barely swam back up to the surface in time, and began to quickly share their tale with Wyndi.   During their swimming expedition, Wyndi spent her time alone exploring the items she had discovered, including the blank, magical journal. The party discovered, while writing on with with a piece of charcoal, that the journal doesn't accept anything that's been written on it, but it seems to react differently when "Summer Child" is written on it.
Report Date
02 May 2018

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